Friday 26 December 2014


 I have watched and listened to lot of medical programmes singing about the goodness of marijuana in the treatment of dozens of illnesses; ranging from cancer, parkinson,pains,depression,migraine,bipolar,Alzhimer,epiletic etc Doctors now want reclassfication of hemp for medical treatments.

 we were told that marijuana  was very addictive and causes mental illness.The three people close to me that smoked pot went stark raving mad.This hemp is an illegal drug in many countries of the world,even classfied by world health organization as very dangerious to health. Now various countries mostly in the west are now allowing a limited grow at homes in pots.People are now given licence to sale hemp to people for health how do they regulate the growth,? how do you  regulate the prescription of the hemp,every one knows that you can get any drug you want from some kind of doctors.

 Yes there may be benefits to the smoking of this weed,but have they looked at the long time effect. They now produce hemp in various forms,vapourized form,liqudized form,in form of droups,cooking with it. These are far better than smoking hemp,as it has a very disgusting odour.

 Legalizing hemp smoking is going to leave a very sour taste for many people this hemp  destroyed the lives of their love best friend brother,s life  was totally destroyed by this .he started this in high school when he met an American deportee,as our youth are not even known to smoke anything.In little time he got hooked;started stealing,go out come back without his shirt or shoes,when the family stopped his pocket money.

 To remove him from his hemp friends,he was removed to start schooling in America,this was like adding gas to fire,what with those very terrible African Americans.most of whom have no life and dont do any thing to have a meaningful life.The family brought him home,then send him to Britain,once in LONDON he started moving with Jamacians.Every one in UK knew that these people are terrible once it comes to drug dealing.
 he cut every link with the family, I was in UK and the sister in US.l traced him to WEMBLY just  by ASDA shopping mall, in the home of a JAMICIAN drug lord,the sister flew in from US and we storm the address,the rough looking man with mattered hair that had never seen a comb as a RASTA , ran us off his terraced home with   long sword,totally hooked on some thing.

 The boy was brought home once more, about 18 years and useless.He was taken for treatment and kept running away.Ironically  he kept on returning to the sister,s exhusband,s home without understanding that they were divorced and both remarried.The man till today still kept him in his very large home.the poor boy  cannt even recorganize any of his relations. that when he was informed that their mum had passed on,he could,nt comprehend what the fuss was for.

Bottom line,the people in the medical line must be sure that the benefits of hemp is significant,as most people on hard drugs often start from hemp smoking.There are lots of social problems all over the world mostly fuelled by drugs.

Thursday 18 December 2014


I love Koran traditional movies set in era before the division of the country into north and south.People will always rebel against the king,s opressive rule,the rebels are always caught and tortured.The king will seat on the throne, while the rebels both male and female will be sitted,with thick heavy woods place between their legs while two people will be pressing their private parts and crushing the bones.The screams are always terrifying.I always close my eyes from the blooded scene.Am sure it was so in days gone by.

8th of December marked human right day and also 30 good years aniversary of the ractification of the law against torture.But nothing has changed; as American senate also release their report on torture.In the ancient time, when the Roman Catholic Church besotted the whole world as the ruler,torture was a common thing.People were tortured for going against or questioning the Church postion on God, the bible ,creation of the universe etc. Galileo an Italian scientist  was tortured and killed for theorizing that the world is round and not flat as the church taught.Now the cookies has crumbled for Catholic church.

In the modern world,torture  has not stopped,mad scientists are always researching on the most effective way of obtaining confessional statements from suspects.This was escabated by terrorism, these confessional statement often false,are obtained through means already outlawed.These people are dehumanized,depersonalized, deindividualized by torturers who are also deindividualized themselves;by who ever employed them.

The prisioners already institutiinalized,are less than human to the tormentors.They are made to pass through unsual pains,feeling no different from a Rat in cage.Think of the hooded prisioner going through water boarding,or one deprive of sleep or kept in a total darkness and isolated from other human beings for years.

We all know these are done in furdrance of a cause like State security or a high case like true Religion ,a political ideology or loyalty to a race,its effect can be galvanic. like the 17th centure French philosopher Blaise Pascal said "Never is evil done so thoroughly or so well,as when it is done in a good cause".

Obedience to authority is a deeply ingrained human attribute,so the people been used to carry out these acts become alienated to the terrible things they are doing.Though there must be an emotional tug of war between their conscience  and their humuan act of causing pains to others,but  they still dont see themselves as been responsible for the victims suffering.

Sure deviants will always exist in very society,the deep rooted anger of deviants should be looked into.When it comes to the global problem of the Radicalization of modern youths of certain religious believes,the answer should be in Education and Reducation.Ilitracy is a serious illness in developing nations.The rich Nations should not close their eyes to the problems of poor countries,after all,we all share common humanity.Sooner than later,there will be no place to hide.

Wednesday 10 December 2014


The 12 year old boy who was shot and killed by the police in United States from the video clips showed was holding a toy gun that look very real,people called the police who shot him at the park. people learnt through immitation,picking up the behaviour pattens they see around them,through a process called  CONDITIONING.,in which rewards and punishments some obvious,some subtle.These behaviour patten, often start from home,then progressively built up as strong influence from society comes into play..

Psychologist Leonard Eron carried out an experiment of a group of 875 children living in rural district of New York state over a long period of time.He studied first hand effect of television aggression on violent tendencies as they become young adults.The amount of time spent on violent films,determines the level of aggressiveness of the person as an adult.The Semai people of central Malaya,who are not exposed to television at all are very gentle people so said Anthropologist Robert Dentan,who spent a year living with them.

American rise to violence started from all the so called 'cowboys' films like 'THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON' with Errol Flynn who played the role of General Custer 'LONE STAR TRAIL' 'FIVE BOLD WOMEN' 'SOME WHERE IN SONORA' 'BRONCHO TWISTER' etc.One of my brother in laws love watching the film 'FIRST BLOOD' so much that he named his son 'RAMBO'.Today the 18 year old boy is a criminal, moving from soft crime to hard ones.

Italians then started their Mafians films that triggered the highest level of violence,where nothing is left to the imagination, the films are bloody,the acceptance to the public ,made things terrible for growing impressionable young generation.
Bottom line,these violence in the name of entertainment on television and now internets has fueled many robbery,kidnapping,cannibalism,serial killing,gang membership;satanic praticses,ritual killings,drug taking etc.Every country is now caught up,there is no hidding place.Religious extremism had now taken violence to a frenzy levels, since the advent of televangelisn.American schools had become very scary places,where students and staff could be guy down by angry drug fuelled youths.All effects of over watching of violent movies.From what is seen right now,every one watches movies, whether rated 18 or not.This days parents dont care.Kids are becoming very strong willed,parents are too busy, to take note.Children are left on their owns,to seek whatever makes them happy.

In our own country,the best selling movies are RITUAL films,main actors,always meet voodoo witch doctors who will ask for human heads,breasts,private parts or new born infants to prepare get rich fast medicine, whereby a dirty poor person turns into a billionarie over night.what With high level of uneducated people, who often believe everything seen on the televison,ritual killings,cult membership,gangsterism,in real life becomes the order of the day,witch doctors start making neat cash.  People had disappeared never to be seen ever.people had never asked themselves why voodoo doctors are always dirty poor,always live in the slums,if truely they can make one rich after pounding a new born child into mince meat for some satan.Then in comes CULT films,now most university students belong to one cult group or the others ,they carry out robbery and kidnapping to fuel their high profile living.Parents now dont want to send their children to Nigerian universities, for fears of their kids becoming cult members.Parents perfer to send their kids to Ghana or Uk universities.At the end of the day,we are all paying the price for these movies,when you can not move around on foot,jog in the parks or streets,take walks,or even sleep with two eyes closed.

Thursday 4 December 2014


The two bomb blast that took place in kano city in Northen Nigeria was carried out by two tenage girls aged 13 and 15 years.The first bomb went off,while people gathered to take closer looks,the second girl wearing a Buka ran into their mist and denoted her own bomb;which killed about 60 people.

who are these girls? how do such young children got involve in terror aggressive behavours, who are their parents ,are they aware of the deadly missions of their daughters. people had theorized the 200plus kidnapped school girls from CHIBORK High school adopted 7 months ago,were converted from Christianity by force to Islam,then brainwashed into turning into suicide bombers.

We were told that male suicide bombers are brainwashed into believe that if one is killed in the course of fight 'holy' wars as they actually believed theyvwere doing, the immidate reward from God,will be12 virgins.These illiterates couldnt just wait to start ravaging the virgins,just rush to heaven without God inviting them first.pray, what do the instigators offer these girls? mulitiple hunks?.

l have always imagine the mind of a suicide bomber,moving into crowd to kill as much people as possible ,it must be a dark labyrinth of blackness, moving towards a never to return insurmountable preciple. What is the solution? invesigation by the government, to find out who these girls were and charge the people using these very young girls for crime against humanity.

Saturday 29 November 2014


In london a young man is convicted of killing a catholic priest, strangled an old woman and stabbing another years back. his only explanation was that he 'enjoyed killing'
   The question is,is man violent by nature, is violence learned, can man master his aggressive impulses. What do we hear and watched every day? but tales of violence from all corners of the globe. Organised war fares, robbery,kidnapps,riots, vandalism.
    The idea that genetic defects might be responsible for criminal violence was proponded by the Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso.This has been revived by other psychologists who suggested that an abnormality in the heredity unit or chromosomes could predisposes one to antisocial behaviour, while a group of Boston brain surgeons reported finding a high incidence of abnormal brain waves among prison population.This recieved surport when Charles Whitman in Austin,Texas murdered his mother, wife and shot 38 other people from the top of a university tower, a huge tumour was found in his brain.
 Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution believed that violence serves a useful purpose in the evolution of man,by enabling the fittest and strongest to survive by surpressing the weak known as social Darwinism. In 1908 British psychologist William McDougall called aggression ''the intinct of pugacity'' and stated that it was likely the most important factor in Man,s evolution as a social being.

 Konard Lorenz maintained that aggression in human being just like animals is instintive, but what makes man more destructive is the lack of built-in inhibitors against the terrible weapons fashioned by man. Think of Albert Einstein whose brilliant work in physics without his intention has now lead to the production of weapons of mass destruction fashioned by man.

If only man faught only with their fists and natural strenght like animals,things wouldnt have been this bad.but with the on going arms races,scientists now spend sleepless nights trying to out do each other researching on better destructive weapons;like Ronald Bailey in the book HUMAN BEHAVIOUR said ''these weapons came so fast that evolution has not been able to keep pace with them''
 Weaponary has become more complex and complicated that remote control is all that is needed now, think of drone aircraft, the aggressor never see physically the victims;so they are less than human. we are all in trouble for sure as how do you stop your creation into falling into the wrong hands. mankind is in very terrible and dangerious situation because man,s negative creative impulses certainly will bring the destruction of man in totality.

 Many others believed thet violent behaviour is not inate in man,sure some degree of aggression is; but man we are told more than lower animals is a learning being, whatever are his inate potentialites,his attributes is shaped largely by his experiences of the world, the values of his culture and specific institutions that is found around. Therefore the level of aggression and violence varies from culture to culture and importantly contacts with other be contiuned.

Friday 31 October 2014


To live other people's lives is nothing unless we live over their perceptions, live over the growth,the change,the varying intensity of the same--since it was by these things they themselves lived .AMERICAN GREAT NOVELIST ,HENRY JAMES   

 last week,l watched a news item on France24 on how a group of African students were attacked on a subway in  I NDIA without the police coming to their help.Just becourse they are black.There are millions of Indians in Africa.I went to school with lots of Indians,most of whom were born here in Africa.without any issues,they are in all the cities  of Nigeria i,n any trade one can think of.

The most important aspect of life is that your country of origin is totally independent of your decision..what determines one,s skin colour is geography and not divine intervention or favour,an imutable law is that the closer your country to the sun,the darker the skin,the futher away from the Sun, the paler the skin colour.
African students are seen as coming to take over jobs in host countries and other issues just like AUSTRIAN SCIENTIST Konrad Lorenz and Robert Audrey theories in the book AFRICAN GENESIS AND TERRTORAL IMPERITIVE made it clear that human being can become aggressive which functions to provide each individual with a sufficient space to ensure an ample food supply,especially these days of global mass unemployment.
   why are people ready to take in such humilation out side the shores of their country?l have travel to various to different countries of the world,l also have my own racial perception. when in America,am always scared of serial killers that l often dont step outside the apartment and dont generally sleep well and are also scared of young people going crazy and start killing every one in sight. In United Kingdom,am scared of PUNKS and SKIN HEADS who are in total rebellion against everyone.God forgive me,the people l totally dislike are African AMERICANS.the sassiness and the attitudes of their female folks drives me crazy, the lay back attitudes of their menfolk is totally well known that is why they still remain the dreg of American society.They equally hate Africans too.

People from so called third world countries would not have been moving to also so called first world(whatever that means) countries if their crude Machiavelian leaders who are only interested in their own  survivalist calculus,should work for their societies.while other leaders are working for betterment of mankind,they are all vain and egoristical self centered.Am glad to read that the president of BURKINE NABABE has just been pushed out of power after 27years in power without moving his country out of poverty.27 years ago he killed his best friend THOMAS SANKARA to take over power and wanted another two  terms of 5 years that would have been 37 years in power,this one of the reasons helpless citizens look for greener pastures.Leaving their countries to such power drunk presidents for lives without challenging them.It took that country 27 years to do the right thing of reclaiming their country from a tyrant.

Friday 17 October 2014


      In a city in Northern part of this country, there are two classes of male  prostitutes,the one that accept female clients and the ones that are strickly GAY, so only accept male clients.The ones that service female customers are known with white handichief tied round the wrist while the gay ones tie yellow handichieves. Their territories are well known to the religious police. so who are the women who go looking for these guys to exchange sexual favours for money?

    What do lonely vibrant women do when their lives has become a rot? some are widowed,divorced, single, never married waiting on the lord,as it is said locally. it is impossible for others to understand how desperately lonely life can get when a women is alone. more so, in  jungle cities where every one is alienated from one dont even know your next door apartment habitants. The married friends dont want unmarried friends near their homes,fear of husband snatchers in local language.

  These are suave and sophiscated women with good jobs and good money who suddenly found themselves on the shelf of life. Actaully,it s not all about sex in which case sex toys abound, but human touch, they often want some one to be in charge instead of them.They want to hold a conversation with another human and not with the they are ready to pay a human companion.often they believe that these guys are just passing thing until the main thing arrives or until their social lives are sorted out.
some of these women are not happy or feel highly embarrased inviting these studs into their homes,one said the sex was good as most of these guy often take a lot of local sex stimulants,if you are not strong ,the actions of these young men who had taken lots of deadly stimulants ; if not, how do they get it up for every body on demand?
could land you in the hospital so said the banker,but  with a deep sense of loss and emptiness after the act.

Some of these women are just ok with these guys they believe as they are always unfortunate to pick the wrong guys who always dump them after leaving their pockets dry.So having been out  of disastrous relationships;one woman said she have been beaten up, insulted and vomited upon by a lover just because she was searching for a husband,so had made up her mind to go for guarantee sex without emotional attachment,that is pay for it.she has a particular customer the past one year and she is good with it.

  Some women found rather disorienting the rather clinical ways the action often took place rather disappointing. One said it often seem like a trip to a SPA.for one woman her date just went down to business by wanting if she wants oral or the main thing,collected his money and was out in a jiff.we have cases where husbands bring in these guys for their wives.

     The bottom line is that these women are very lonely,some are married but are still very very lonely , as husbands are busy doing their own runs.It is common knowledge that some people are in a marrage but are not married, and are much loner than singles, as they are totally enstranged from their husbands. One woman confessed that she had not made love with her husband in years.but both love their children too much so must aviod rocking the marriage.
    Some spinsters are in their fourties ,fifties with good jobs,no children;limited proposals ,work all day, only to return to a lonely apartment.

Wednesday 1 October 2014


It is always surprising that people take good care of their cars, but neglect their bodies,you see them washing and polishing their cars but when it comes to the bodies, they dont care at all. Often when women hit 50years,there is an acceptance that is it ,the end of the road, while most men start enjoying their game of golf, tennis etc  
       So middle age spread start to spread out of hand.people start becoming fat and start lossing their self confidence and feel a total mess.JODY started spreading out after having two kids and since her husband did not complain she was ok with herself until she saw a picture they took during a vacation and was like who was that.This was a wake up call for her to do something about her fatness.she clear out the kitchen;threw out the chips,cookies,stop drinking and started the journey to reinvent herself.         

Some people have a genetic predosposition to being fat so always look "thick"often the eating habit adopted by a family can affect a whole generation, so breaking out of the unhealthy habit can have a life changing effect on even the propensities to some termina illnesses like high blood pressure, heart problems,diabetics even certain cancers etc. The most important part is having the tenesit y of purpose to to continue eating right and exercising right too..

 Reducing unwanted body fat requires inccreased cadio training and reduced caloric ontake. Start with a basic pressing movement to warm up your muscles, get into arobics and end with the threadmill,enjoy the greatvout doors but keep away from lonely roads and paths.

1   Do exercise slowly---when lefting weight like I do,slow and smooth moves are the best, ensure the whole muscles benefits.

2 Dont hold your breath----Relax and have proper breathing.

3 PROGRESS GRADUALLY-----Dont jump into it, slow and steady is the key.

4 TRAIN-----Three to four times a week does it.

 5 STOP IMMEDIATELY  if you have chest pains,dizziness;light headedness; nausea or pain.

If you continue with these and eating right, you will be strong and healthy into dot ages.

Friday 26 September 2014


When Micheal Kennedy died, the story of his affair with the family baby sitter was huge.The girl started working for the family when she was 12 years old,he lured her in,gained her trust and friendship. Awed for such a powerful man to have sheep eyes for her and totally inexperienced,she found his behaviour both uncomfortable and hard to resist.lewd lascivious men are everywhere.young girls serving the families are just like fresh flowers for them to harvest.    

 many young teenage girls found themselves in such situation as live in helpers and often start having secret affairs with the master of the house for many reasons ,some of them are emotionally needy,insecured and are from either troubled homes or poverty ridden homes.The men lured these girls into trusting them by been over nice,over flattery,preying into their insecurities,could try to be surrogate father figures to them.

 Joy was 14 years old when she started helping Tom's wife who just had a baby.She said that she found it confusing playing many roles to the family, mother surrogate to the baby,sister surrogate to the wife and quasi-girl friend to him.He then violated her,she said the sex was neither tender nor sweet, though she was young,she did not want an affair with him at all.often times these girls become emotionally dependent on the men violating them that they function on emotionally autopilot.

 The risk some of these men take just to bed young girls are baffling. When i was at the high school, my granny died and my mum took me to stay with her sister while she travelled home for the burial.Just the third day after my arrival,while fast asleep i felt a hand touching my young budding breast, l jump up to see my Aunty's very christian nice banker husband on my bed just next room to his room with his wife. As I got set to scream, he melted back into their bedroom. The next day l took my backpack and went home.

These girls often face double trouble if the Mistress of the home wise up to the affairs.Some had forced to have abortions on been pregnant ,before been thrown out into the street of course they dont have a say on whether to keep the babies or not. A medical Doctor whose wife is also a doctor had been exposing his privates and forcing the nanny to watch him masterbate himself.The girl told a neighbour who informed the wife who gave the girl a beating that landed her in a hospital for lying against her husband.

 One family got more than they bargained for when the head of the family started an affair with the house help.One day the girl told them her mother was sick and she was needed at home and asked the man privately for payment for all the sexual services rendered,the man called her bluff she left then one day headed to the school collected the baby from the school till date the 3year old baby and the girl who came from another country are yet to be found.

 It is all about men feeling that they have control and power over all female staying in their homes, the suffering these live in girls go through workin from dawn to dusk and the little time they have to sleep at night, the MEN of the homes cut in by snick in to sleep with against their will.



Wednesday 17 September 2014


MY Four books of all time are 1,WITCHING HOUR. by Ann Rice, BONTIFIRE OF VANITY by Thomas Wolfe. WAR AND PEACE by Tolstoy. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT by Pyodor Dostoevsky. lhave read hundreds of books so should know.w

   I started reading very early in life.Istarted with fairy tales like snow white,  beauty and beast etc.Then blue beard and his murdered locked wives,which really scared me.Then ARABIAN NIGHT ENCHANTING STORIES,LIKE SIMBAD THE SAILOUR I was there with him.I moved into folklore era with GREECE FOLKLORES,ENGLISH FOLKLORE,but the one that had a long lasting effect on me was FOLK TALES FROM SCOLTLAND.looking for it to read once more.

   Then I graduated into romantice stories,like MILLS AND BOOM.DENNIS ROBINS.really believing in the happily ever after stories. then I graduated into crime stories with JAMES HARLEY CHASES I bought and own all his books like MISS BLANDISH WAVE A WAND.THE THINGS MEN .COME EASY GO EASY.l read them all and lost all to my brothers friends.SIDNEY SHELDOM .DAN BROWN.ANN RULE who is a wonderful crime writer.many many  novels which i had spent a lot buying reading.Even science fictions. MYSTICAL WRITERS like India mystic ROSPSY RAMPA fasinated me at a time.DENNIS WHEATLEY,STEPHEN KING etc.

   when it come to religious and so called inspirational books,I have read the Bible,Koran,Gray message volumes in THE LIGHT OF THE TRUTH,AMOC etc in search of the truth about why are we here and how. those books like how to be a billionaire and how to be sucessful in life bore me to hell.Had never finished one.These books are kind of fake to me.I had always believe one need hard work and very good luck to be rich, which is also relative.

  Now what do you have? no body is reading any thing my hey days high school graduates walk about with fat novels like TAI-PAN. SHOGUN by James Clavell.  MANCHU by Robert Elegance books by MAUGHAN SOMEREST. books by GRAHAM GREENE like BRIGHTON ROCK etc as nerds to show off to girls, While girls move around with Barbara Bradford fat novels like A WOMAN OF SUBSTANCES ,HOLD THE DREAM, THE WOMEN IN HIS LIFE ETC .JILL COOPER novels ,JUDITH KRAVTNS books just to show the boys that they are sophisticated.

   like i said; not any longer.Every body is into movies, GAMES, PINGING.W.ho want to read when one can spend the time watching movies like HARRY POTTER SERIES for younger children, X MEN LORD OF THE RINGS,SMALLVILLE,300,GAME OF THE THRONE,24 etc for boys and MEXICAN SOAP OPERA,now we have SOAP OPERA from PHILIPHINES and SOUTH KOREA are into serious film making.I love KOREA traditional movies with the beautiful clothes worn in the movies, can even speak a little and am heading there for my next vacation out of curiosity after watching a lot of their movies. Even E-BOOKS are not working young people hate  fat books and are totally bored with any thing more than text from their schools.  READING IS NOT JUST COOL.
  So been a best writer now  means nothing  at all, expect if the books areturned into movies. The Nigeria wave making celebrated author CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE was just an object of curiosity to people who had heared of her books like PURPLE HIBISCUS, HALF OF A YELLOW SUN ,THE THING AROUND HER NECK, AMERICANH She only became famous when the book HALF OF A YELLOW SUN was turned into a movies and was showned in movie houses all over the country. to get young people to start reading will be pretty hard now with all these weapons of technology around them.Nobody cares about spoken English now, as no one cares onces you can bing understandable words.
 so what is to be done depend on the parents to help very young children to reclaim the lost reading culture, and get into the joy of it.

Tuesday 9 September 2014


 A girl,a sickle cell patient was raped and strangled as she left the  sickle cellclinic late at night.she was gang rapedfirst before she was killed.what lead people to get carried away by act of sexual gratification, that they can kill for 5minutes pleasure?

  Rape is not new to any society,even in the bible we were told how Tamar a virgin daughter of king David was raped by her half brother Ammon. Dinah daughter of Jacob was raped by Shechem a randy prince of Hivites.

  The number of reported cases has gone up.About one in six women had been raped at one time or the other.most of the rapist because of societal pat in the back often become serial in nature.Some perverted men even rape snot dribbling 12 month old man was caught recentily in Nigeria raping a dog,he confessesd it was the 4th dog he raped and was bitten by two of the dogs. one even raped a chicken for real,can you beat that.I believe that beastality could have something to do with the EBOLA out breaks.Mad men raping MONKIES,APES,BATS etc

  most raped victims dont ever forget the incident. They are often trumatized.Some dont even report the act,as often police are very hostile to victims, wanting to know why they went there,the type of cloth worn and if they were wearing make ups, if they are virgins and other silly questions.So only one in 25 women often are bold enough to report rape and attend court hearings.most hate seeing the rapist at courts.The rape incidents could ofen mare victims future relationships with partners.most dont want any contacts with opposite sex.

  A rape survivor said "The rape itself was very painful, bloody painful.After he bit my nibble,i just went on with it because of fear of been killed. Part of the trial was terrible, the defense lawyer told the court that the assilant was able to bit my nipple because my nipple was hard, instead of soft, implying that i must have been aroused, can you beat that. The Judge was nodding to that. He was totally out of touch that i wanted to ask if he has daughter at all".

 57% of rape victims are children below 17 years and are often raped bypeople very close to the family.That male relative staying at your home, the teacher who has special interest in your child,that house help in your home taking charge of the kids while you are working,cooks ,drivers, gardeners,the very nice boy next door could be the one and the kids may never tell as they are often told they will be killed if they do.or blackmailed in some ways often believing they are bad and to ne blaimed for the rape.

  The light sentences given for rape can never deter any body for becoming serial on it.A guy convicted of rape four good times was set free only to attacked two sisters at home soon after.while the incident of rape has risen, the conviction for rape has fallen,to make mather very bad,previous rape convictions or reports are not taken into into consideration during sentensing, why,why.

Tuesday 5 August 2014


  Amerca had just deported hundreds of children back to Latino countries like Honduras,Guatamela etc. It is real worrisome that parents dump very young children at north American boundary to go into an unknown country without any friend, family etc just to pursue the American dream.Certainly these latino countries have a lot of problem with drug gangs.Teneage boys are forced into drug gangs and there are always wars with rival gangs,and life expectancy is very short mostly in Hondura and Guatamala.
Why do people in so called third world countries always believe that grass is greener on the other side. Day in day out hundreds of dead rickety boats carrying thousands of people are rescured off the coast of Lampogini in Italy.Recently,500 of them were pronounced dead.

  Most come from countries like Eritea Ethiopia,Libya,Nigeria,Algeria,Somalia,etc.Most travel by road across the Sahara desert to Morocco the country that have a boundary with Europe. The trip to that country is always ridden with danger, they are often attacked by bandits often times killed  ,some are bitten by dangerous desert snakes,no water, nor food, some just ran mad and ran into the desert never to be seen again, while relations at home will be waiting for euros and dollars,as no one will tell them what happened to their love ones.Only the tough resiliant ones make it to Morocco for the second leg of the trip to Europe their EDORADO.

  These immigrants have become a big burden on Italian government.They are taken into shelters, feed and documented, most are not educated and not trained for any thing all and not employable, but only fit for menial jobs in farms. Most of these immigrants often target  European countries like France; Germany,United Kingdom etc.These people are used as slaves in these countries, and dont have any voice. we have seen picture of a black immigrant recorded as he was cought,killed like a cow, used as meat to cook and eaten by a group of young people in a South Asian country they recorded it and posted to the internet, they were not bothered been seen as cannibals.

   The most irritating ones, are those of them that start looking for political asylum even when there is no problem in their country.They run their government down just to be given papers to stay in Europe.The women among them will claim that they are runing way from female circumstitions which will be forced on them or their children, or some other breech of their human rights if they go back to their countries of origin.All the lies in a desperate bid to remain in Europe.

   By the time they get there frustration sets in.Most are living from hand to mouth doing the kind of menial jobs, they wouldnt have looked at in their own countries.Most marry and cuddle up to OCT-and NONAGENARIANS women just to get documents to remain in Europe. some are already married before leaving home with children.

  By the time the immigrants who are even unemployable returns home, they just realised they had wasted their lives chasing rainbow in Europe..go to piccadelly train station in london,you will see them.worned out decrept men sweeping the coaches and streets of london with trumphant energy. so all desperation and heroic energy to move to Europe has ended with a rusty broom cleaning the streets.The dreams, hardihood, comprehending all the perills and valor are all rewarded by heraldic honor of a street cleaner , returning to a dingy council home at the end of the day.

   check out the easy condescension and kind forbearance of the African cab drivers at Heathrow airport, their dexity at cheating is a story for another day.Most claimed to be University graduates with life pointless and inefficacious.

  so while dashing off to Europe and America and dreaming of ELDORADO in their youth, who can see an inch into future,beyond his nose? towing day and night like Irving's headless horseman, ghastly and grim,longing to come home but sentenced by the quest for green card or resident permit to a pauper,used dry and flung aside forever. what do you become, but a dark labyrinth of mind moving toward an insurmountable precipice.

Monday 14 July 2014


Once a girl is hooked by traffickers, a contract is drawn up, under which she agrees to a sum of money running into thousands of dollars. These contracts are drawn up by phony lawyers.At the top of the game is a madam , a retired old expired sex worker, whom the traffickers work for.

 The girls are normally taken to a shrine where rituals are done and an oath taken.Something deeply personal are then taken from the girls like hair from head, public hairs, used under wears; clipped nails, used sanitory towels etc. These are to keep the girls in fear as every one here is deeply superstitious.Just to control the girls from a distance.

   In some cases, these young women were forced to sleep in coffins, drink chicken blood all with threat of death if they disobey their madams who could have as many as 20 girls working for each. visit  DHL or FEDEX offices in town,mothers of these girls come with items like native black soaps, lip sticks,eye liners,wigs etc these are send to their daughters in Italy after passing through some rituals to attract customers, or get old rich men to marry them or give them protection from police, who are always on look out for them for deportation. One deported girl gave a picture of how they often run into sewage tunnels and run for miles
underground to escape from police.

 Statistically speaking there are more than 20,000 Nigerian girls on the street of Italy.There is FIXER often a woman that move around remote villages recruiting poor young girls with promises of educations and jobs abroad,only to be trafficked into sex trade.

Rosana Paradiso, from Italian city of TURIN work with an NGO called TURNAROUND they meet these girls and educate them on the dangers of been out in the street as sex slaves.They are encouraged to mention their traffickers which they rarely do out of fear of the voodoo oath taken by them. safe houses for deported women in  Nigeria was also set up them.Trades are taught to teach them how to stand on their feets and fend for themselves.

 The work of the NGO and CATHOLIC Church here is paying off as the crazy to go abroad is dying off. Young girls are seen all over the markets and streets trading,the women in the state are really hard working. most have build houses from their trading and send their kids to good schools. they have learnt that there is d
ignity in labour.

Thursday 10 July 2014


   What is Nigeria greatest export to Italy it is nothing but raw sex. Remove sex trade from a state in southern Nigeria, the economy will certainly collapsed. most families here have daughters plying the trade abroad. Please note that these girls are not from les miserables families but girls from middle class homes.
     Most houses and shopping plazas for rent outside the GRA where the monyed class live belong to these girls carrying out sex trade. The most shocking thing is that girls of all ages are involved, parents often begged traffickers to go with their teenage daughters, even married women often abandon their homes for sex trade in Italy. Husbands also encourages their wives to go in search of EURO:

    Trouncing this trade here is not possible as almost every one benefits from it, that is why the cold wind of ostracism has not been slammed on the girls who are often celebrated when they swaggered into town. Young eligible boys fall over themselves to date these girls and even marry them. A class mate of mine married one and he is living in opulent wealth, check out his well furnished law chamber, stock with books, his intimidating Italian suits and shoes  and state of the arts SUVs, while she still remain in Italy plying her trade. He is like a toy boy in a doll house.

     Another friend of mine; has a driver who came home one day from work, only to discover that the wife,had dumped him and kids and absconded with active conivance of her mother who had always seen him as too poor for her daughter to ltaly, two months later she was deported back home. She just couldnt return to her husband and kids who refused to take her back. Still some men sale family homes to send their wives to Italy. one  such man even  pretended with his wife to a driver to his wife and her new ltalian husband when she came home to see an on going housing project with the very old Italian professor whom she meet through sex trade and married over there. The home boy husband pretended to be a driver, picking both from hotel suit every morning until they return back to Italy, so that the wife will suck the love dovey professor dry before returning back to him.

     Much of the pervasive arguement on dignity of women hood put across by feminist groups, NGOS Catholic church and National Agency for prevention of trafficking in persons does not wash in that state at all. The traffickers, trafficked and JUJU HIGH PRIESTS are in unholy WEDLOCK so the trade is not ending any time soon.Even the reticence from husbands and parents are not rooted in any rock.....ribbed puritanism. This surely is puzzling judging from level of acceptance of be continue on the role of VOODOO IN SEX TRAFFICKING.

Monday 16 June 2014


   A few years after you told your husband that you will rather spend eternity been a NUN,than been his wife for another second, why are you so depressed and shocked to hear that he has remarried after the divorce . The intense feelings that arise when a former mate remarries takes many women and men by surprise said ABIGAIL TRAFFORD  author of CRAZY TIME a book about divorce. After given the boot to the jerk and a miserable excuse of a man to hell, why are you so miserable when the jerk moved on with another mate.

    Sure the man will always be a jerk and you cannot wait to drop him and did, yet learning that he is sharing his life with another person can hurt though outwardly you pretend as if you dont care. But inwardly you feel pain and anger that he had moved on while you have not. Typically you start feeling jealous depressed and insecure. you start comparing yourself with the new mate, could he be better looking, sexer, smarter. the woman would be like HOW DARE HE MOVED ON AND BECOME HAPPY AFTER MEESING UP YOUR OWN LIFE spending money on her when you are barely surviving.

      Though this could be a very painful time, but it will be therapeutic to deal with residual anger, ambivalence and sadness so that the hurt will not fester into depression. whatever is the circumstance, ending a long time relationship entails a lot of mourning psychologically which is normal and necessary. The emotional tie between couples remain strong that some still sleep togather after divorce even though they are not planning a reconciliation which is sordid indeed.

     Often time people become obsessed with the new partner in their EX mate life, they would hate them, will want to know every thing about them and could even start STALKING them which is very demeaning, the FATAL ATTRACTION SYNDROME could start.  if you didnt vacillate before leaving, why do you now want him when he is out of need to do the banishing act on him. Even if you had kids togather so could meet or talk from time to time, badgering him about his love life makes you cheap. This should not translate into hostility but effusiveness. Been pessimistic and blue about the future does not help at all.

      You can solve the deep emotional problems by dropping unrealistic expectations, boost confidence in yourself  by been assertive and cutting the emotional umbilical cord. Even the most mundane chores can redirect the mind off depressive things, even watching of seasonal films. Throw yourself into any benefiting self improvement schemes, it is never late to get any skill, you may be sowing a seed for your future.

       Always wear a radiating incandescent smile, but the not the notice me,am looking for a man at all cost kind of smile to attract men, please some men are not worth attracting, at this point in life you dont want to be in an abusive relationship. Ditch all melancholy feelings, and move on as been pessimistic and blue about the future does not help at all.

     This article was triggered by a article in cosmopolitan about a former chief Judge of  NEW YORK CITY: SOL WACHTLER and a wealthy beautiful socialite JOY SILVERMAN  who bought about his down fall the thrice married Joy silverman wielded great sexual power over men. She was still married to her last husband when she started  feverish chase of Sol WACHTLER  and she was a step cousin to his wife  JOAN: Sol had never had an affair before in his 25 years of marriage to JOAN ;he fell under her spell. The affairs was most intense that he later contemplated leaving his wife for Joy.

      He couldnt get enough of her and introduced her to the presidential re,election bid,she spent money and time and was nominated for an ambassodor but the senate turned it down but she came into limelight as a politician using SOL:HE later developed a guilty feelings about the hid and seek relationship,moved out of his home for Joy who at this point accused her husband of having an affair and dumped him,Sol later moved back to his wife. He even faked brain cancer

 so that she will leave him alone but she couldnt.he took a bold step and left her.
    Things came to a head when he learnt she has another boyfriend,he wanted her back and developed a kind of fatal attraction for her that he became sick. He could not eat, would not sleep, could not concentrate in the office. He needed a mental health Doctor but saw one who placed him on transquilizers that made his conditions bad. He started stalking her,threatend to kidnapp the teenage daughter while pretending to be another person.SOL will make drop calls to her many times a day,would call the new boyfriend to see if they would break up so that she will come back to him.JOY then contacted the FBI when ask SOL asked for 20.000 dollars or he will send dirty pictures of her to her daughter.

   FBI could not understand how a whole chief law maker of New York state could go to that level for a woman.She was advised to play along with him. He was arrested when he came to collect the money. The thing he said was"OH I WOULD HAVE BEEN GOVERNOR"he was fine some dollars and sentenced to 15 months jail term. So one must move on at the end of a relationship without looking back. There is always light at the end of any tunnel been cheap make things pathetic.Move on without looking back.A jerk will always be a jerk so nothing will change in his life just as he moved on, you too should get a life and moved on. NO ONE HAS EVER SAID THAT LIFE MUST BE SWEET ALL THE TIME.

Tuesday 20 May 2014


      I was trembling, clenching my teeth with a mechanical physical effort that often accompanies a mental one to read of a sudaness girl aged 27 years, sentenced to death for turning a christian. She will in addition receive an additional 100 stroke of cane before been put to death. Her death sentence would take effect 2 years after having her baby as she is heavily pregnant, in addition she has an 18 months son MARTIN who is presently in jail with her. Her explanation that she was brought up a christian, as her mother is a christian and that her moslem father abandoned them at birth, fell on deaf ears. I shuddered, at the injustice of this inhuman treatment, this is horrible and revolting. IS THIS  MEDIAEVAL TIME ?

       Let me make it clear that i have nothing against ISLAMIC FAITH. I was once married to a moslem. He cared less whether you are a christian or pagan or even a WITCH as long as you are doing it well. Once you are a good person, it was ok by him. The issue of  conversion to Islam was never part of any talk. He always encourage me to attend  church services to be a better person.

       The location of a person´s place of birth such as country and parents often determines one´s faith, been born in India could make a person a HINDU; etc am sure if I was born a Moslem, I would had held on to my faith with pride, just as I knew I would die a Christian, but times without number I had wondered what would  been like to be born a  Moslem and a woman with it oddest complexities. I often pity these women dressed in BUKA: In honesty; i had graduated from the university when I saw for the first time in IBADAN south west Nigeria some women shrudded in total black, it was a sight to behold. I was shocked, dumb, numbed and fascinated like a child seeing a snake for the first time. The women were masked from head to toe in total black outfits. They wore black socks on their feet,black flowing gowns, black veil just a bit openings for the eyes and then black socks covering the hands. Summer, winter, raining season,dry season etc like a person in prison outside the walls of the prison yard´.

      From the ages of 11 or 12, they are already married often  to Men old enough to be their grand father as 2nd 3rd 4th wives, check out the UNITED NATION WEB SITE to read the TOO YOUNG TO MARRY ARTICLE it documented thousands of young teenage girls who could not get education but just married off to old men some without teeth old old WIZARDS: this girls often start having children even from teenage , they will continue having children till menopause what can one say about the world population, at this rate we are all in trouble.

       That the incident VVF is very common in moslem world is palpably evident. When young girls are forced to have babies before their pelvic bones are full developed, during child births, many things could go wrong with lots of tears they remain damaged for life. These girls are often abandoned by the husbands after been damaged for life for fresh new wives. The gruesomeness of this life of abandonment at just teenage years is not fair at all. most of these girls often give birth at home without ever attending antinatal care all even wives of educated men. may be they dont want male Doctors to come in contact with their wives. Most of these women are lock up at homes without ever come out without male companions. They dont shop at all the husbands provides every thing for the the family, even up to her under wears, as wives are under purda BA SHIGA in local hausa language, meaning no entrance for any one. these ladies only visit their families at night and must be well hooded.

      A well educated Northern Man shocked us when he informed us in the office that his wife normally have their children at home, without assistance from any one, he was actually very proud of this.To him this is very normal as his own mother had 10 kids without every visiting the hospital: One can see why infant and maternal mortality will ever remain high in most developing countries.

      One has read stories of health workers killed in the process of immunizing moslem kids. The religious leaders openly preached against this as they see it as a western and Christian means of controlling the population of moslems in the world. Most of their kids are not immunized against childhood killer diseases like POLIO: lot of these kids become cripples and are then shipped off to the Southern part of the country as beggers.Right now there are thousand of northern moslem beggers all over the south. It is fascinating seeing the crippled female beggers begging with their numerous children, always with new born mouth to feed always hanging to their breast. What happens to these kids without any form of formal education at all. Very simple, the circle of poverty, illiteracy and vibrant army for the fundamentalism islamist are always in full supply. SO WHO WILL BELL THE CAT:

       In SOME ARAB COUNTRIES women are not permitted to drive at all. A lot of SAUD ARABIA women have been fogged for trying to disobey this law. The stark incongruity of the whole breach of the fundamental rights of women in these countries is appalling. A CARTE  BLANCHE GIVEN TO MEN BY MEN TO TREAT WOMEN AS CARTEL: so women dont have enough sense to even drive a car in these days and age, they cant work, only bear children and work as sex slaves for their husbands.

      The only weapon in the coffers of these women is nothing more than a right to education and self actualization and nothing more. If a girl child can attend primary school, high school, then she would be old and knowledgeable enough to take decisions that will mold her life.they will be better mothers and wives. Sentencing a human being to death for changing her religion is more than playing GOD. No one had even gone to heaven and come back to educate us with empirical evidence on the right way and part to GOD. We are all fumbling in the dark.


Wednesday 7 May 2014


 When I read the story about the young girls forcefully taken away by BOKO HARAM a fanatical islamic group waging war in Nigeria ,I was cold and shocked just like every parent imagining  what these young girls would go through. It was also reported that some girls had earlier been taken from the villages of KONDUGHA an BUNI YADI but just few girls so world attention was not attracted, just yesterday we read that 8 more girls had been taken away again.This horrible incident just as British foreign secretary WILLIAM HAGUE said,  is a stark reminder of the threat of sexual violence faced by women and girls in conflict zones.
     This is not the very first time these are happening, the INFAMOUS KONY took away 150 girls from a Catholic girls secondary school in DRC the NUNS in charge of the school went deep into the forest in search of the girls. They came face to face with the TERRIBLE FEARSOME WARLORD, they started pleading for the release of the abducted girls, his stone heart was softened a little bit to the extend of releasing 120 of the girls. The other 30 girls had not been seen till date 10 years after.

     Here in Nigeria a lot of young girls were forcefully taken away by fighting solders during the Nigerian civil war, most of them were never seen till date more than 40 years after. I couldnt stop imaging what these girls are passing through, been dragged from forest to desert etc exposed to wild animals and the beast they are forced to live with as sex slaves The girls will be used as sheld in case the military attack the the adoptors. There was a report that some of the girls has been taken outside the country, to be seconded to other terrorists from other countries as concubines.

    On a general note, parents need to pay attention to young girls as they go through the rite of passage to woman hood, events at these ages often have a profound effect for life. Most middle aged men often go after these girls and then ruin them for life. Often time parents are too busy chasing after wealth or means of survival to pay attention to their teenage daughters. Think of a mother living at EGBEDA  going to work at the ISLAND, she leaves home by 5am to beat the horrible traffic, then get home between 10 and 11 pm. How does she pay attention to the kids, how is she bringing them up, the children are just bringing themselves up.

     One day i went to wash pictures taken during my daughter´´s birthday party, people  clustered  round the counter watching some pictures and were screaming in shock. so i decided to take a peep, what i saw was shocking. Two girls aged like 13 and 15 were seated down with their legs wide, wide open, stark naked like jail birds with COCOA COLA bottles with the liquid contents still inside pushed right into their VAGINAS TILL ONLY THE CORK covers of the bottles were visible. The younger girl was bleeding, a pool of blood had gathered by her legs, it was a disgusting gory sight. The boy working there informed us that two middled aged white men brought the pictures for washing. One elderly man said to me ´´SEE WHAT OLD WHITE MEN HAD TURNED OUR GIRLS INTO because of poverty´´

    We all knew that poverty is a big problem in most countries of the world ,but if parents teach their children ,well on how to treasure their woman hood,as these girls are mothers of  the future, teaching them contentment and dignity in face of poverty is very important, and how to be very guarded at all times is very important. we read that when the BOKO HARAM came to take these girls away they claimed to be Nigeria solders asked to take them to safety as they wore military uniforms, they girls willingly entered the trucks, along the way, some of the girls got suspicious and jumped down from the trucks and escaped. these are the very smart ones.

     Often things outside your control would happen to one, this a fact of life no one could control. When i graduated from high school at the age of 17 year while waiting for University admission, i spent the whole of my time at the library reading as i was very lone when my friend left for United States to continue her education, I was very happy to see a library worker vacancy placed at the local public library. I went for the interview,on that day there were lot of other young people gathered for same interview,  they gathered us in a place to give out numbers for the interview, the crowd could not be controlled again in the surge to get number.I suddenly noticed that a hand had been pushed beyond my pants, right into my private part. I started struggling with the hand and he refused to give up and reaped my under wear out, I then started fighting my way out of the crowd,I WAS BRUISED AND BLEEDING. As soon as i fought my way out of the crowd, i just went home, battered and shaken, till today i hate crowd and avoid crowded places.

    YOUNG GIRLS must be careful, there are a lot of lewdness out there, getting involved in obscenity is denigrating. from the things that happen to young girls and the things they intentionally allowed to happen to them, by the time most of them are just 20 years old, they are battle scarred as old crones.

Tuesday 15 April 2014


    We came from two nearby villages, she from ENUGWU::UKWU while am from ENUGWU ;;;AGIDI: She was like a kid sister to me. We all lived in the same apartment building in ENUGU owned by my grandfather. Her senior sister was my friend and was practical sharing my room with me, as our apartment was much bigger than theirs.

    I grew up with my mother always ill and away in search of healing, often my sister and I are always hungry as biG brothers were always out playing football.My friend the senior sister would sneak into their apartment to eat food prepared by their mom, while Njide would sneak food out for me. After high school, I left for JOS to attend university education. My MOM later passed on, I  left Enugu for good and then lost touch with the family.

      Years later, she traced me to ABUJA where I had settled and started a family. She was posted to serve her NYSC in BAUCHI  state and had finished from the orientation camp. She was certainly unhappy with the choice of Bauchi and wanted a different place for primary assignment,  so came looking for me. I was more than happy to see her. I promised to help her serve in Abuja. She happily settled down in my house. We had a lot of time to chat about the old life and her life after I left Enugu. Her life was one of struggle after her father,s business went under. Attending University was no longer possible ;but help came her way.

    The GENERAL OVERSEER of their church, who started dating her senior sister offered to send both of them to the university. While her two brothers dropped out of school  after high school ,they had to go and learn trading.  Things were still a struggle as they were mostly dependent on their mother,s petty trading to survive. Education wise, things were ok until the CHURCH FOUNDER with children her own age, started  LUSTING after her too. When she refused to carve in and start dating him too, the man of GOD washed his hands off her education, Luckily she was half way through,  things became real tough, but she was determined not to give up on her dreams of been a university graduate. [she read political science] The family really struggled to help her actualize her dreams. She told me about her shoe nicknamed ²ECHETEKA meaning tomorrow is too far by her school mates reason been that she wears the shoe day in day out, month in month out  in school .

     Been an attractive girl, she had her fair share of toasters in school, she took her time until in 300 level when she fell in love with a posh boy from ABBA another nearby village from her,s who was already in his final year in same school. Things were a little better for her when he graduated and started working as he helped out. She had never been comfortable about their two dialectical opposite background as he is the son of a well known rich transporter. The boy born into a VENERABLE and VENERATED family assured her, that he would certainly marry her. She then graduated from the university.

    The way and manner she was introduced to his marriage to another girl, who came from the right similar background  was mortifying. The boy,s mother had always been in the know about their relationship but had always been indifferent to her, which always cause a dampness to fall upon her spirit but the lover boy always irrevocably pledged his never ending love , assuring her that his family would never dictate to him who to marry, and would deal with his condescending mother with her spasmodic extravagance of a person used to large fortune when they are ready for their marriage after her NYSC:  She visited the family house as usual, but saw that an important activity was planned for the house as there were canopies been set up, women running around cooking while the LADY OF THE MANOR the boy friend,s mother was fully in charge running the affair.She was just told that there would be a party the next day. She wondered as Chike never informed her of any party.When she asked of him as she didnt sight him at all, nobody was forth coming with an answer to his movement and his cell phone out of reach. She went home and was later informed about the next day traditional wedding between Chike and a girl from the right  well connected  family. who just returned from UK after university education by a friend of Chike over the cell phone. She never saw nor had any communication  from him again.

   After the sharing of this story, I was more than determined to help her. Am sure I would had bombed that traditional wedding; if I were in her shoes.Luckily I had a contact at NYSC office  so her reposting to Abuja was just one hand for me, we went further to press buttons to post her to NNPC  with the intention of further pushing them to retain her,after the service year.

    She was full of joy and decided to travel down to Enugu to inform her parents, as she had two weeks off before starting work. As I intended traveling to Benin, so she joined myself and my son down to Benin, where we spent three wonderful nights in the poshest hotel in town. I thank GOD I gave her good, wonderful time before dropping her at her parent house still my grandfather,s house and traveled back to Abuja.

     She was to come back to Abuja in a weeks time to party with us on my son,s forth coming birthday. She promised to come back two days before the party to help out. The day came and passed and she didnt show up.Then the dread call came from a friend of mine living at Enugu that NJIDE had passed on.She didnt have any information on what happened. I was filled with sudden exasperation of the elaborate futility of life. I traveled down to Enugu at once, I was shocked that she was already buried same day she passed on. The sorrow within the family was heart renting but I was really taken back at the suddenness of the intenment.
     The story of what really took her life was related to me by the photographer who had a studio in from of their family home. According to him, Nijide had informed all of them about her intending trip back to Abuja the next day. She was up very early in the morning, washed her cloths for the trip next morning, cooked breakfast for the family and then left with her senior sister my old friend. Soon after, the sister rushed back alone without her and their mother joined her in rushing out again. By now people around knew that something was up. Soon after the mother rushed back and started screaming that NJIDE had passed on. People who saw her not quite an hour, leaving with her sister was bewildered beyond reasons.

     Njide was pregnant and went with her sister to a nearby clinic for an abortion. The medical director of the clinic was not on seat. The NYSC doctor they meet convinced them he would do the abortion very well and at half the cost of what the hospital owner would had collected from them so they accepted. Soon after he started the evacuation, she started bleeding, became unconscious and then passed on. The father was called from the market where he runs a shop. He directed  that she must be buried at once, so an ambulance was brought and a casket bought for her last journey to ENUGWU;;UKWU , that same day, without any funfair without any church  service, without fair well from her friends, just thrown into the soil like an out caste. Like one who has committed an abormination . She was at the face of a steep precipice alone, the preposterousness of the matter without the second party, who have started his matrimonal  life with ecstatic animation else where without a second thought to all his promises to her.

      The fresh body, bleed all over the casket ,bleed all over the white shroud, bleed all over the ambulance.,The photographer and other people,  that went with her on this last journey testified. SHE WAS COMMITTED TO MOTHER EARTH around 10 pm that night  when they finished digging the grave, without prayers as if they family was furious with her for the shame and scandal  brought upon the family. The rich boy from the correct background had planted his seed of destruction on the girl from the wrong background, before dumping her to marry the right girl, from another correct background.Her story was one of most poor girls who had been deceived by boys from so called upper crust families,these boys often turn their scrupulous eyes on these poor girls while in school, only to dump them later. These girls whose ROMANTICISM are always inconsistent with reality, are always left with burnt fingers and depressed for life. They need to let go of  their INNOCENT ADROITNESS and face fact that inequality can never be wished away in the real world, unlike the movies.

Monday 7 April 2014


   On the stroke of mid-night of 29th march 2014 ,the law permitting GAY couples to marry came into law, in ENGLAND AND WALES. Many of the so called Gay couples were scrambling to be among the first sets to be married. The voting of 400 for gay marriage and 107 against,showed that the country was ready for it.I saw the newly married male couples, the outstanding thing about all of them´is that they were mostly middle aged..BOTH HUSBANDS AND WIVES though only the couples themselves know who is who.
    I do not believe there are true Gay people,that is born HOMOSEXUALS in our society,what we have here are married men or women who just want to swing both ways.Mostly married Men searching for thrills away from the usual or belong to some cult where these things are done as intiations . Often some enjoyed the act so much that it becomes a way of life, while others are re pulsed by the act that they stopped
   My very first introduction into the existence of Gay people was way back in high school,when we mobilized and attacked an ANGLICAN CLERGY who sexually abused a friends 13 year old brother. About 18 of us during break hour stormed the vicary  which was nearby and started hitting the offending gay REVEREND . He couldnt hit back, he could not shout as he didnt want to attract attention, we tore his robes into rags and looted his home to boots, how I now wished we did lot more. The man was a real PEDOPHILIA; he was newly trans fed and came without his wife and 4 children, he firstly lured the Gardener´s son into the gay act, then later used him to lure other young boys in his class with just chicken money.They were all children from poor homes. These boys had a lot of needs which their parents could not meet so fall into the hands of these depraved men.
   What of  the story of a retired man who spent his days out on his balcony watching the world, he kept on seeing a middle aged Man with two young boys dressed in the local school, uniform. They come every other afternoon, on clue, the owner of the lockup shop would leave and another man would lock himself and the boys inside the shop,the old man one day,mobilized the neighbours into confrounting them and the boys confessed that they were given money in exchange for the sexual favors. They GAY man was beaten a little short of his life,the arrival of the police on the scene saved him from the used tyre treatment.

    A young boy was sent by his widowed mother to learn a trade as she could not foot the school fees after the demise of his father,he started staying with the master, his wife and 3 kids. He was given the antic room, the second night, dead in the night the master came into his room and demanded to see his DICK ; the poor confused boy did. Through out the next day the boy was filled with sudden exasperation at the elaborate futility of his life as it was generally believed that most people practice homosexual acts for RITUAL purposes.The next night,like before the master came in and this time sat on the bed and demanded to be shown the dick, the boy demanded to use the restroom first and bolted into the night.

   My friend sister in law lost her husband to a gay married man with 4 children, the husband a retired military governor moved the man and two of his children into their matrimonal  home, right into his bed room. The stories goes on and on. the high light of these stories are that all these men are all married and are not ready to give up been married to women. Am sure very few men here hates women or are never attracted to them and want to remain unmarried or wish to marry other men and live happily ever after with their male wives.

    Most people i spoke to expressed disgust and are offended by gay people making love through the CRACK at the back, but the truth of the matter is that most heterosexual men also make love or want to make love through there if their wives would allow them entrance. Many a times the men blackmail their wives into allowing them, telling them IF YOU LOVE ME; YOU SHOULD ALLOW ME: ONCE I MAKE LOVE TO YOU THROUGH THERE; I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ETC but most women hates it and found it too painful . I still believe that whatever two consenting adults do is their problem.

    GAY practices in our society cannot be not be wished away and its connection to PREYING on young people is very strong. Why wouldnt they go after adults instead of young impressionable children from very poor homes.These boys are not gay at all but have to escape poverty through any means these men often use money or material things to cage them into doing what they are very ashamed of. These closet gays should move away from children to adults before  the issue of  what is right or wrong can be addressed .

     Speaking as a lawyer,legislating on gay issues with ascribed jail terms is an over kill, as this is a MORAL issue. As matter of fact law has no business with a moral question as this, but the important point is that the law is out to protect our young kids and punish PEDOPHILIA WHO SHOULD GO PICK ON MEN OF THEIR OWN AGES OR AT LEAST ADULTS.

    Speaking now as a SOCIOLOGIST looking at the GAY QUESTION from the NATURE and NUTURE  CONTROVERSY; I dont think any one is born GAY, this is actually a learnt practice, one thing or the other influence these Men into turning to gay practices while in their formative years. We are yet to hear of proves that some animals are born GAY especially the higher animals who are said to be related to us. It is morally wrong to allow GAY people to adopt children as they had given up their right to having children when they marry their own sex. The possibility of these adopted kids been gay in turn is very high. The population of the WESTERN countries are falling fast and the people are aging, now that the gay can marry and they are all out of the closet can the population grow, thank God for poor third world countries providing them with labor force. During the GAY marriages i saw on the television,the parents were there to surport their marrying children, but which parents are happy that they would not be given grand kids poor parents am sure are anguished at never knowing what their grand children would look like, if the marrying son or daughter is their only child.

    Now ANTHROPOLOGICAL speaking, i belive that western influences help in spreading the GAY culture,most of the people propagating the spread of  homosexuality are those who either schooled abroad, lived abroad or have a thing or the other do do with western culture, in my village which can anthropologically be called a simple society until recent time, we have no one who is gay, may be the fear and shame of banishment is keeps every one in check.

    Lastly, the every present and real fear of GAY MEN PREYING on young people not that heterosexual men dont prey on young girls, but this is lot more despicable and psychologically more profound. The level of poverty and lack of social welfare for poor families make the incident of  child abuse , RAPE of minors very high. Until these issues are sorted out and addressed the law against GAY PRACTICES and the CRIMINALIZATION of the practice is a fit and proper thing to do.

Friday 28 March 2014


Angela was 15 years old and in catholic boarding school, when she vanished into thin air. For nearly ten years, the family searched for her through radio, television ,the limit was when the very catholic couple had to use so called traditional means to look for their daughter after hitting brick wall, she was given up for dead.

   Ten years after, she appeared with a story stranger than fiction. Her senior brother´s friend got her pregnant during the holiday, she knew this could kill her parents as her father was in the ELDERS meeting and her mother, leader of their parish CWO (CHRISTAN WOMEN ORGANIZATION). If its known she is pregnant, the parents would no longer receive holy communion. She then confided in a friend who took her to a woman who was to shelter her, until she had the baby then would return to school. She could pull that off as she lived in the boarding house,no body suspected she was pregnant. The women she met, arranged for some men who took her away by night to lagos. She had the baby which was taken away and sold, She was forced to sleep with some young men, gave birth to seven babies in captivity. There were many other Women held there. For next three years she couldn´t get pregnant so they threw out on the high way with a token for transport fare.

    The second girl stella had similar catholic background of good catholic family, where pregnancy before marriage is forbidden, while abortion leads to hell fire. As a norm, she could not run to her parents, but to a friend who took her to a native DOCTOR: in a very horrible SLUM , in a very taky rundown second century hut, the native doctor should be at least 70 years,dirty as a pig,this is beyond picturesque exageration , I went hunting for him on hearing the story.

    He told her that as a student, he would not charge her much but she would pay only a token amount of money, he then bought out some stuff in tablet form, he told her that the insemination of the tablets will induced an abortion, but the catch is that he must use his MAN HOOD to push the tablets into her body, once a day for five days. The poor girl; whom am sure had a perceptible chill at what the old fool wanted to do, had no choice than to allow him make love to her, under the pretence of helping her abort the pregnancy vis what her parents could do to her; on finding out about the pregnancy. After five promised days of an abortion and five days of rape, the abortion did not happen. She only came to her senses when the old wizard told her that the baby was very strong and not willing to abort, that they could extend the tablets to another one week, meaning another one week of sex with the old thing without teeth in his mouth,  she stopped going there.She was introduced to a baby factory ,she went there had the baby, then went back to school without her parents any wiser.

    Some catholic parents take their daughters to these baby factory, themselves to be hidden until the baby comes, it will be given up for adoption or whatever. Daughters will then go back to school as if nothing happened, church council will not know and holy communion partaking intact. Some catholic NUNS are also cashing into the poverty of some members to rob them of their babies. A poor widow´s teenage daughter became pregnant, the poor woman ran to the NUNS who run a catholic hospital for help. She made it clear to them, that her daughter want to keep the baby.These was accepted,She was kept in the hospital sh,had her baby, after three months, they now ask her to return to school, When the mother demanded for the baby, they gave her a hospital bill so outrageous that it was impossible for her to pay the poor woman was never informed she will pay hospital bill, she thought the NUNS were helping her as a widow, she went away weeping and the baby was given to the highest bidder,which was their game plan right from when they accepted her daughter in.

    POVERTY plays an important role here,unwanted pregnancies are kick started by poverty. Girls from poor homes often fall victims to wolves out there. My cousin was sent to the Village to stay with her grandmother while attending the local high school. The Students were asked to pay 2oo NAIRA in the school for send off of an NYSC teacher, her grandmother could not provide her with the money, they sent away her from  School, a village loafer gave her the money,got her pregnant, her parents , took her to a catholic ran baby factory where NUNS sell babies to the very rich. These smart NUNS run catholic high schools and are very vigilant in fishing out girls for pregnant test and then quietly arm twist the parents into sending their daughters to their hospitals,babies are had, then given up without formal adoption or documentations.The Church should look into their family planning policy and abortion too. The church should reform and move on with time. Am not advocating that abortion is right or not, but contraceptives should be encouraged, sex  Education is very important, whether we want to know or not, most of our young people are sexually active. Lot of even married women, had lost their lives through illegal abortions, obtained from back street abortionists, so which one is better to use family planning method or visit illegal abortion clinics.

Monday 17 March 2014


  There comes a time in life of middle aged people when they start thinking that time is running out, they start taking critical looks at the lives they are living. They belived that they could be happier if they had done things differently. These thoughts could trigger off mid life crisis.
    Adifficult, a haunting horror of been left in the rot, stagnated by life and for life. Dr CALVIN COLARUSSO a clinical proffesor of psychiatry stated that a true mid life crisis usually involves changing your entire life in a hurry.
     Some men go into depression, some leave their families cold turkey , blaming their stagnation in life on them. Some other men just make small changes, like caring more about their appearances. Others start dating younger women especially if they are also have sexually dysfunction problem, they look at their long time wives with the word SAMENESS ;SAMENESS stamped in their brains.
      Most men start experiencing this crisis once they hit mid forties to early fifties. Some start questioning their entire life choices and then start wishing that time tide could change, so that they would had done most things differently. Then start having strong wishes to make changes before it gets too late. The urgency of shortness of life span is mostly felt now.
       The subtle or drastic changes in their appearances like wrinkles etc are over noted, these could lead to more desperation. Psychologist LYNN MARGOLIES; started that men go through ²TEENAGE---LIKE REBELLION² at this point in their lives. She mentions some signs to show a man is going through mid life crisis 1DRINKING MORE 2 HAVING AN AFFAIR 3 LEAVING AN EXISTING FAMILY 4 FEELING YOUR LIFE NO LONGER FITS YOU:5 MORE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR APPEARANCE
       At this point older men start searching for more thrills and desire for excitement without caring for who is hurt, in the quest for proving their vitality, they start living recklessly. In our soc

Tuesday 4 March 2014


This is real, but most men would not want to talk about it. Just as women go into menopause when the estrogen level start dropping so do men when the problem of low testosterone start cropping up. Women start having hormonal issues like hot flushes, mood swings, aches and pains, low sex drives etc men also have similar health issues too.

   Lot of  Men become depressive without knowing that they need treatment. For this treatment, a blood test to check the level of testosterone is done. Treatment involves injection of testosterone twice a day for like 5 years. Dr Akinwale  Awe stated that about 4 to 5 million men with ANDROGEN DEFICIENCY, only 5 percent are currently on treatment.

   A Lot of studies are currently going on,to find out the long term effect of treatment with hormone just as in women, as it had been known that hormone replacement therapy increases the incident of breast cancer ,so also a man under treatment need to carry out prostate cancer test every 6 months by doing PSA (Prostate specific antigen) The benefit of replacement therapy is that the libido is improved, increased in bone density, muscle mass and strength , reduced mood swings.

   Men handles mid life crisis in a different way from women, they often handles it with a lot misgivings, most are not  chivalrously ready to concede most of his pleasures, with deminshing libidos they start straying from home, blaming their aging wives wrinkling faces and sagging bodies for their problems .They start looking for love outside their marriage believing that younger women would boost their libido.

   While dealing with menopause some Men resort to sex stimulant, no wonder VIAGRA is multi billion dollar business and other herbal preparations which men take , without checking with a doctor first. Most of these sex stimulant are dangerous to health, and should not be taken without doctor,s check in, these drugs could increase blood pressure, stroke etc.

    Men should not pay too much attention to their love life at this age, women generally handles this area of  their lives better,than men. Women at this stage pay attention to their kids, family and social respƶnsibility ,recreation etc. Life is all about conversation and relationship, women have got less to prove because they have a better sense of priority, they have multiple facets to their life without wasting time on fading sexual impulses. Afterall at the end of life, what we are venerated for would be compassion, good work.

Friday 28 February 2014


In an old MARIE CLAIRE publication ,was a fasinating  story by CATHY SCOTT-CLARK and ADRIAN LEVY .. titled "INDIA`S FEMALE DRUG BARONS." in the foothill of the Himalaya mountain lies a village run by a cartel of women who grow, harvest and sell the most expensive cannabis resin in the world.
 The women are called daughters of ALEXANDER as they believed they are descended from Alexander the great armies lost during the crusade. The women  work and controlled the trade, while the men spend their days totally stoned on the drugs, sleeping away their time. The general consensus are that men are not to be trusted. The business is handed down from Mother to Daughter and never Sons.
   The most interesting  thing about these people is their marriage. In the center of the village is what is called marriage houses(, they become sexually active from age 10). The male and female meet at night in this marriage house, as a female if you see any man you fancy, you sleep with him if he pays you 20 rupees. They marry if they like each other. The female can discard of the male at any time and return to the marriage house to look for another husband. As they hold the economic power, they are never short of suitors. One called Durgi boasted "I don`t stay with any man for long,we are the strong ones " these are female preditors. The consequence was that  mortality rate was one of the highest in India.Check out the daily papers the love searching page these days what do you see, young boys searching for older women to have relationships with. Why do these boy leave young girls and go after dinosaurs, this boil down to poverty in real terms and of character. Many married women these days are indifferent to marriage, those who are financially independence consider it a bad bargain. Most have husbands who are too busy,so they hunt young boys to massage their egos and spend a lot of money, as the boys are only interested in money. These boys are strong and active so don"t require Viagra unlike their middle aged husbands. Most middle aged single, widowed , divorced women have a sense of isolation, even some married ones too. Modern living has made it more so, lots of husbands and wives are not staying togather in the same home as couples ,one is working in one town, the other in another city. More so in developing countries, lots of  wives are often sent abroad to live with the children, or husbands are working abroad,    while the wives are living alone. Most rich men don"t even have time for their wives; most of whom are house wives. The husbands are always on the move closing deals. A story was pĆ¼blished then of a military governor"s wife who had an affair with a then famous actor, the husband wised up,threw her out and took away her kids.Married women sleeping with young boys often have profound effect on the marriage. It starts with the thrill of the forbidden act, then move to the logistics of deceit like where the tango would take place..... his pad,, hotel, motel, her home , office, bush, car. A 76 year old woman was actually caught having sex in her well packed car with her driver. The first inklings of suspicion by the husband, followed by discovery , the confrontation could be a nightmare that would not be worth the stress. These boys who had perfected the act of gigglo would just move on.The pocket of the preditor is leaner by then, as the boy want a well furnished pad ,his own ride, designer wears etc. There are a lot women with their own earned cash these days who are ready to send on these boys,. these women move from a boy to another. Sure there could actually exist true love between an other woman and a younger lover. Think of TINA TURNER ,LIZ TAYLOR ,and their younger lovers, but they still got their fingers burnt .The female preditors are always on the look out for better looking boys. They are ready to dump an old flame for a new one, Some of the married ones turned preditors as an act of  revenge on their husbands, who often started the cheating game. some of the women are left with rampaging  raving libido"s , so the women who often would start having low self esteem and deminishing self worth concerning their attractiveness,could start looking out for their own lovers too as an act of self reassurance and also getting back at the cheating husband, the thrill is with a younger person .