Wednesday 1 October 2014


It is always surprising that people take good care of their cars, but neglect their bodies,you see them washing and polishing their cars but when it comes to the bodies, they dont care at all. Often when women hit 50years,there is an acceptance that is it ,the end of the road, while most men start enjoying their game of golf, tennis etc  
       So middle age spread start to spread out of hand.people start becoming fat and start lossing their self confidence and feel a total mess.JODY started spreading out after having two kids and since her husband did not complain she was ok with herself until she saw a picture they took during a vacation and was like who was that.This was a wake up call for her to do something about her fatness.she clear out the kitchen;threw out the chips,cookies,stop drinking and started the journey to reinvent herself.         

Some people have a genetic predosposition to being fat so always look "thick"often the eating habit adopted by a family can affect a whole generation, so breaking out of the unhealthy habit can have a life changing effect on even the propensities to some termina illnesses like high blood pressure, heart problems,diabetics even certain cancers etc. The most important part is having the tenesit y of purpose to to continue eating right and exercising right too..

 Reducing unwanted body fat requires inccreased cadio training and reduced caloric ontake. Start with a basic pressing movement to warm up your muscles, get into arobics and end with the threadmill,enjoy the greatvout doors but keep away from lonely roads and paths.

1   Do exercise slowly---when lefting weight like I do,slow and smooth moves are the best, ensure the whole muscles benefits.

2 Dont hold your breath----Relax and have proper breathing.

3 PROGRESS GRADUALLY-----Dont jump into it, slow and steady is the key.

4 TRAIN-----Three to four times a week does it.

 5 STOP IMMEDIATELY  if you have chest pains,dizziness;light headedness; nausea or pain.

If you continue with these and eating right, you will be strong and healthy into dot ages.

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