Tuesday 4 March 2014


This is real, but most men would not want to talk about it. Just as women go into menopause when the estrogen level start dropping so do men when the problem of low testosterone start cropping up. Women start having hormonal issues like hot flushes, mood swings, aches and pains, low sex drives etc men also have similar health issues too.

   Lot of  Men become depressive without knowing that they need treatment. For this treatment, a blood test to check the level of testosterone is done. Treatment involves injection of testosterone twice a day for like 5 years. Dr Akinwale  Awe stated that about 4 to 5 million men with ANDROGEN DEFICIENCY, only 5 percent are currently on treatment.

   A Lot of studies are currently going on,to find out the long term effect of treatment with hormone just as in women, as it had been known that hormone replacement therapy increases the incident of breast cancer ,so also a man under treatment need to carry out prostate cancer test every 6 months by doing PSA (Prostate specific antigen) The benefit of replacement therapy is that the libido is improved, increased in bone density, muscle mass and strength , reduced mood swings.

   Men handles mid life crisis in a different way from women, they often handles it with a lot misgivings, most are not  chivalrously ready to concede most of his pleasures, with deminshing libidos they start straying from home, blaming their aging wives wrinkling faces and sagging bodies for their problems .They start looking for love outside their marriage believing that younger women would boost their libido.

   While dealing with menopause some Men resort to sex stimulant, no wonder VIAGRA is multi billion dollar business and other herbal preparations which men take , without checking with a doctor first. Most of these sex stimulant are dangerous to health, and should not be taken without doctor,s check in, these drugs could increase blood pressure, stroke etc.

    Men should not pay too much attention to their love life at this age, women generally handles this area of  their lives better,than men. Women at this stage pay attention to their kids, family and social respönsibility ,recreation etc. Life is all about conversation and relationship, women have got less to prove because they have a better sense of priority, they have multiple facets to their life without wasting time on fading sexual impulses. Afterall at the end of life, what we are venerated for would be compassion, good work.

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