Thursday 18 December 2014


I love Koran traditional movies set in era before the division of the country into north and south.People will always rebel against the king,s opressive rule,the rebels are always caught and tortured.The king will seat on the throne, while the rebels both male and female will be sitted,with thick heavy woods place between their legs while two people will be pressing their private parts and crushing the bones.The screams are always terrifying.I always close my eyes from the blooded scene.Am sure it was so in days gone by.

8th of December marked human right day and also 30 good years aniversary of the ractification of the law against torture.But nothing has changed; as American senate also release their report on torture.In the ancient time, when the Roman Catholic Church besotted the whole world as the ruler,torture was a common thing.People were tortured for going against or questioning the Church postion on God, the bible ,creation of the universe etc. Galileo an Italian scientist  was tortured and killed for theorizing that the world is round and not flat as the church taught.Now the cookies has crumbled for Catholic church.

In the modern world,torture  has not stopped,mad scientists are always researching on the most effective way of obtaining confessional statements from suspects.This was escabated by terrorism, these confessional statement often false,are obtained through means already outlawed.These people are dehumanized,depersonalized, deindividualized by torturers who are also deindividualized themselves;by who ever employed them.

The prisioners already institutiinalized,are less than human to the tormentors.They are made to pass through unsual pains,feeling no different from a Rat in cage.Think of the hooded prisioner going through water boarding,or one deprive of sleep or kept in a total darkness and isolated from other human beings for years.

We all know these are done in furdrance of a cause like State security or a high case like true Religion ,a political ideology or loyalty to a race,its effect can be galvanic. like the 17th centure French philosopher Blaise Pascal said "Never is evil done so thoroughly or so well,as when it is done in a good cause".

Obedience to authority is a deeply ingrained human attribute,so the people been used to carry out these acts become alienated to the terrible things they are doing.Though there must be an emotional tug of war between their conscience  and their humuan act of causing pains to others,but  they still dont see themselves as been responsible for the victims suffering.

Sure deviants will always exist in very society,the deep rooted anger of deviants should be looked into.When it comes to the global problem of the Radicalization of modern youths of certain religious believes,the answer should be in Education and Reducation.Ilitracy is a serious illness in developing nations.The rich Nations should not close their eyes to the problems of poor countries,after all,we all share common humanity.Sooner than later,there will be no place to hide.

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