Tuesday 5 August 2014


  Amerca had just deported hundreds of children back to Latino countries like Honduras,Guatamela etc. It is real worrisome that parents dump very young children at north American boundary to go into an unknown country without any friend, family etc just to pursue the American dream.Certainly these latino countries have a lot of problem with drug gangs.Teneage boys are forced into drug gangs and there are always wars with rival gangs,and life expectancy is very short mostly in Hondura and Guatamala.
Why do people in so called third world countries always believe that grass is greener on the other side. Day in day out hundreds of dead rickety boats carrying thousands of people are rescured off the coast of Lampogini in Italy.Recently,500 of them were pronounced dead.

  Most come from countries like Eritea Ethiopia,Libya,Nigeria,Algeria,Somalia,etc.Most travel by road across the Sahara desert to Morocco the country that have a boundary with Europe. The trip to that country is always ridden with danger, they are often attacked by bandits often times killed  ,some are bitten by dangerous desert snakes,no water, nor food, some just ran mad and ran into the desert never to be seen again, while relations at home will be waiting for euros and dollars,as no one will tell them what happened to their love ones.Only the tough resiliant ones make it to Morocco for the second leg of the trip to Europe their EDORADO.

  These immigrants have become a big burden on Italian government.They are taken into shelters, feed and documented, most are not educated and not trained for any thing all and not employable, but only fit for menial jobs in farms. Most of these immigrants often target  European countries like France; Germany,United Kingdom etc.These people are used as slaves in these countries, and dont have any voice. we have seen picture of a black immigrant recorded as he was cought,killed like a cow, used as meat to cook and eaten by a group of young people in a South Asian country they recorded it and posted to the internet, they were not bothered been seen as cannibals.

   The most irritating ones, are those of them that start looking for political asylum even when there is no problem in their country.They run their government down just to be given papers to stay in Europe.The women among them will claim that they are runing way from female circumstitions which will be forced on them or their children, or some other breech of their human rights if they go back to their countries of origin.All the lies in a desperate bid to remain in Europe.

   By the time they get there frustration sets in.Most are living from hand to mouth doing the kind of menial jobs, they wouldnt have looked at in their own countries.Most marry and cuddle up to OCT-and NONAGENARIANS women just to get documents to remain in Europe. some are already married before leaving home with children.

  By the time the immigrants who are even unemployable returns home, they just realised they had wasted their lives chasing rainbow in Europe..go to piccadelly train station in london,you will see them.worned out decrept men sweeping the coaches and streets of london with trumphant energy. so all desperation and heroic energy to move to Europe has ended with a rusty broom cleaning the streets.The dreams, hardihood, comprehending all the perills and valor are all rewarded by heraldic honor of a street cleaner , returning to a dingy council home at the end of the day.

   check out the easy condescension and kind forbearance of the African cab drivers at Heathrow airport, their dexity at cheating is a story for another day.Most claimed to be University graduates with life pointless and inefficacious.

  so while dashing off to Europe and America and dreaming of ELDORADO in their youth, who can see an inch into future,beyond his nose? towing day and night like Irving's headless horseman, ghastly and grim,longing to come home but sentenced by the quest for green card or resident permit to a pauper,used dry and flung aside forever. what do you become, but a dark labyrinth of mind moving toward an insurmountable precipice.

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