Friday 26 December 2014


 I have watched and listened to lot of medical programmes singing about the goodness of marijuana in the treatment of dozens of illnesses; ranging from cancer, parkinson,pains,depression,migraine,bipolar,Alzhimer,epiletic etc Doctors now want reclassfication of hemp for medical treatments.

 we were told that marijuana  was very addictive and causes mental illness.The three people close to me that smoked pot went stark raving mad.This hemp is an illegal drug in many countries of the world,even classfied by world health organization as very dangerious to health. Now various countries mostly in the west are now allowing a limited grow at homes in pots.People are now given licence to sale hemp to people for health how do they regulate the growth,? how do you  regulate the prescription of the hemp,every one knows that you can get any drug you want from some kind of doctors.

 Yes there may be benefits to the smoking of this weed,but have they looked at the long time effect. They now produce hemp in various forms,vapourized form,liqudized form,in form of droups,cooking with it. These are far better than smoking hemp,as it has a very disgusting odour.

 Legalizing hemp smoking is going to leave a very sour taste for many people this hemp  destroyed the lives of their love best friend brother,s life  was totally destroyed by this .he started this in high school when he met an American deportee,as our youth are not even known to smoke anything.In little time he got hooked;started stealing,go out come back without his shirt or shoes,when the family stopped his pocket money.

 To remove him from his hemp friends,he was removed to start schooling in America,this was like adding gas to fire,what with those very terrible African Americans.most of whom have no life and dont do any thing to have a meaningful life.The family brought him home,then send him to Britain,once in LONDON he started moving with Jamacians.Every one in UK knew that these people are terrible once it comes to drug dealing.
 he cut every link with the family, I was in UK and the sister in US.l traced him to WEMBLY just  by ASDA shopping mall, in the home of a JAMICIAN drug lord,the sister flew in from US and we storm the address,the rough looking man with mattered hair that had never seen a comb as a RASTA , ran us off his terraced home with   long sword,totally hooked on some thing.

 The boy was brought home once more, about 18 years and useless.He was taken for treatment and kept running away.Ironically  he kept on returning to the sister,s exhusband,s home without understanding that they were divorced and both remarried.The man till today still kept him in his very large home.the poor boy  cannt even recorganize any of his relations. that when he was informed that their mum had passed on,he could,nt comprehend what the fuss was for.

Bottom line,the people in the medical line must be sure that the benefits of hemp is significant,as most people on hard drugs often start from hemp smoking.There are lots of social problems all over the world mostly fuelled by drugs.

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