Saturday 31 October 2015


Can money buy happiness? The answer may be yes and No's,;happiness is relative. Money sure help a great deal'in handling life challenges. Living a fabulous life to some women is booking a manicure in a luxury spa or hotel and or having a live-maid;who do all the work at home;picking after her and the kids.l know; l had lived it before.n

For others;it is flying out her personal hair dresser;manicurist or makeup artist to meet her while on vacation;just for an unplanned party.another rich lady Frequently buy  diamonds for her nails.A real social snob cannot be seen dead in a public gyn;but personal trainers do
Visit them at home,also same goes for massages and beauty treatments..

I know a woman in a country where majority are poor; don't feed well.THis woman every Sunday pay a professional makeup artist;to get her set for church service paying #10.000 converted to $300 dolllars Just for one day;just to load tones of foundation called pancake here on her aging face. I sat close to three woman at the departure hall of Dubai international airport who just visited ASSIAWAN Spa at the Burj All Arab in Dubai; said to be the most luxury hotel in the world;travelling back to Nigeria. They couldn't stop rapping about the level of pampering and luxury unsurpassed by elsewhere they just had;setting them back with thousand of dollars.These are wives of OIl well barons;living off the common wealth of their people;throwing I'll gotten wealth around.

Every woman loves luxury things
taking it to the levelof diamonds on the nails is not greatest fear is that of been rich today and poor tomorrow;so l cant even play the game.
With the rampant kidnapping going on in the country right now;fabulous living is really dangerous now.Been charitable should be the in thing;for these money miss road women.

Friday 19 June 2015


Outline of psychiatry defines a transexualism as a deviancy where the person is physically normal,but has a total averson to his or her biological sex.

This means that a transexual is a person who emotionally feels herself or himself to be a member of the other sex and could have the sexual organs removed or altered in other to resemble the other sex.

I was shocked,confounded and stultified to see Bruce Jenner transformed into CATILYNA.I just could not get over it.I was formerly watching the reality programme KEEPING UP WITH THE KADASHIANs
until i got feed up with the family fake illusion of exagerated good life.They were just sucking up to the camera. He was always real to me,I never knew that under that calm exteror was a deep rooted despondency.

What would make a 65 years old man,after 3 marriages and 6 kids,suddenly realized that he was packed in the wrong skin, he told vanity fair paper, that he started taking female hormones,then met Chris Kadashian fell in love with her,then stopped the treatment.This means that he has not found a rapturous state in the marriage.

I just could not imagine the former Bruce with the now exaggeration of wantionness,with boobs,fake hair and not even acting like an old lady.Think of the confusion in the Jenner household. Father has totally vanished into thin air without been dead,now they have two mothers,his grand kids may be confused over what to call her,grandma from formerly grandpa

Trans gender people are totally confused people.These people need lots of sympathy and psychiatric treatments to pull them back to where they belong.The exagerated feminalism exhibited by most of them is out of a kind of forlorness.

Some time ago, a transgender prostitute named Jonathan "jackie"  Emerson,killed a handsome 21 year old man called Brad Lee Bass,he picked Jackie up,believing him to be a woman.He offended Jackie by pulling off his wig, and mocking him or her, and not wanting sexual favours from a "She" man,he or she stabbed him to death.During the extensive trial;the two major Seattle newspapers did not know what to call him.One called him "him" and the other "She". When he was convincted the correctional authority didnt not know where to send him to,female or male prison.

Now if a transgender person with complete complement of male equipment but sprouting fully developed female breast, want to use public rest room which one should he or she use? if entering collage which hostel  should he or she stay in? male or female

While some fluttering false eyelashes, are quite convincingly femine with more subtle mannerism, most are veteran of many mean street fights,so even as females are quite dangerious.Husky mascline voice are not changed by female homones.most are just homosexuals with cross-dressing

fetish,without any endocrine dyfunction,this set are often passive homosexuals.Bruce Jenner has come out to say that he is still sexually attracted to females,while he /she is asexual, only God knows the meaning of that.This druglgeny of turning from one sex to another is one of what the world, is getting from western civilization who see the rest of the world as enigmatical mediaeval anchronism.As these countries are not giving rooms to their ecentricism.What the future hold will certainly be a generation of scupulous and dim-sighted children.

Thursday 11 June 2015


A study had shown an anomaly in the incidence of murders in the United States.  In prosperous times,the proportion of murder in which whites kill whites goes down and in bad times,it goes up.But in black own case,it moves in opposite direction.

one psychologist attribute it,the phenomenon to the differences in goals and expectations of whites and blacks in America,It goes this way, because the white generally expect to get ahead,so are frustrated by economic down turns,while blacks,it is properity that creates a great disparity in the accessibility of goals,so frustrations are taken out on fellow blacks who are doing better.
 All these violence and rioting in cities across US each time a black youth is killed by the police,which often releases emotional arousal in the black communties,while they close their eyes and ears to the criminal activites of their youths.This is the ostrich way of looking at a picture,the question is,why are black youths always having issues with the police? becourse they are always hanging round the streets.If you are working,going to school,doing home works,good creational activity,how will you be dealing with law enforcement all the time.

It is an incontroverted fact that most blacks are unfairly barred from economic and political advancement.What are they doing to pick themselves up,to do self advancement.Do you blaim the society when you drop out of school,run around with gangs,pimps etc later in life when it is too late to get a life?the society or you.

Go to the incongruous streets where they live their gaudy lives, the setups are always deadends,grimy,graffiti charred,hookers,homeless,garbage stewed streets,school aged kids still hanging around during school periods.

Their lifestyles with big fake or real jewels make them to live like interloppers,viewed with suspicions and contempt when in responsible neighbourhoods.when some good black families who want good quality life move into afluent neighbourhoods,people who often see blacks as no good move out,as they dont want to be close to them.

Racial politics in America is as natural as breathing polluted air.Blacks even with the election of one of their own into the white house,had continue their slow inexorable decline political,economically too most are still unemployed,groundless,shiftless,bitter,but of couse with high school dropouts all over their communities,things arent gonna get better.

Why cann't they break free from self inflicted bondage,poverty, dependency,discrimination,victim mentality and social pathology.The world is feed up with their  wimping about been discriminated against.It is very possible,to get out from last position.Africans  who moved to America most had achieved all they set their minds on,with good education.The battle will only be won,if the parents have reorientions on the negatives from their own lives,they are passing over to the next generation,who will turn out just like them,at the bottom of the society.

Thursday 30 April 2015


I saw an Aljezera programme on drugs and inner city youths,An African American woman was interviewed,she have seven children and six have been convicted for drugs related offences,totally shocking to me. In my society this is a total failure of parenting.

To me, the fundamental root of child deliquency  is lack of proper parenting.African A merican women are not living up to expectations,that is why there is a disappropriate ratio of their sons and daughters behind bars.we are always hearing of police shooting of both armed and unarmed black youths.Soul searching should be done by the parents, why are their kids always hanging around the streets,why are they involved in drugs dealing,pimping,gangsterizim,more than latinos,white ,Native American kids etc

I know it may not be right to be judgemental or sterotype ethnic groups,but most of these women exist in a state of utopia, vane,promiscuity,very melodramatic.Most are very preocuppied with such trival things like Brazilian hairs,partying,drinking,doing drugs to know what is happening to their tenage is one endless partying,they believe that the society has short-charged them,so no need trying to get any life,so live in limbo and the rule of the game is instant gratification.Brain dead bimbos,very aggressive,often with irritating sassy attitude.

They lack the firmness,moral justifications and self will to be role models to their kids,most black girls are sexually active from age12
like the cleveland 14 year old girl who became sex active since 12years ;she could not remember the number of sexual partners,she has had.She was found to be infected with four different sexually transmitted diseases plus AIDS.

Most black youths grew up in single parent house hood.A Woman could have 4kids for 4 different men,most are just having kids for child support like MEXICAN women are into child surpport scam,they can have six children from six different fathers and collect child surpport from all.most of my African brothers are paying child surpport for kids that was fathered through scamfrom mexican women(story for another day)Black women get more involved in high risk behavours,most are intarvenous drug users,high risk behaviours that exposes them to HIV and AIDS.

Most blaim economic factors for their wows,other women in other countries of the world also battle with poverty.Making a great effort to stand shoulder to shoulder with other racial group in America is very important and maintaning the dignity of womanhood too,is very important.The problem of inner city kids like gansterism,pimping,drugs,school drop outs,robbery etc can only stop if these women change their acts,as a leopard cannot give birth to an Antelope.As we say it here abeg get a life.

Monday 13 April 2015


The greatest news to a true vain person is the discovery of the fountain of  youth, of course scientists and researchers has always been testing one concotion or the other;in search of endless youth solution.To remain 28 for ever is the quest of every vain person.Remove 20 years from the face,turn grey hair into the original colour,regrow the blad batch,become fitter,stronger,banish wrinkles forever.

Vain seekers can do any thing to be object of peoples glorification.Basking in the glory of been centre and admiration of people gives them oxygen,which they need as ordinary people needs air.

What constitute vanity,is it spending huge amount of time,in frount of a mirror,truely vain people will never pass a glass window or shop doors without turning to check out their images.They must never leave home without everything in place,no hair strang out of place,makeup very perfect,huge sum of money spent on looking must be spent on "notice me" items.perfums,bags,jewels etc gym membership is a must;as punshing exersice regimes.Numerious facelights;botox injections for both men and women,check out most middle age movie stars with frozen faces.What will make a 60 years old woman go for breast augumentation painful operation,if not vainty.Check out the unatural bouncy breast on a very saggy body,totally gross.

Many movie stars become international stars using their vanity.What is kim Kardarhsan and paris Hilton selling if not vainty.Many industries are just there to feed on the vanity of these people, creating designer this or that for these people,holding them hostages to their fames.The billion dollars cosmetic industries,health farms,spas,cosmetic surgeons,dental surgeons,vitamin and other supplements etc all pandering to the quest of vain people.Now there are growth hormones.Growthing old is totally terrifying and horrifying to a truely vain person.

Saturday 4 April 2015


There is a news item today that France as a Country has out-lawed the  the use of very skinny models in their fashion industry.This is a welcome development,but how will they determine what is   very skinny.The meanest occupation in the whole wide world to me,is to be a model or an actress.

The life of a model or actress is one of worries, "oh am l still young enough,could that be a crow feet,cellulate or wrinkle,is that a fold of flesh that ought not to be there "."am done for with a pimple on oscar night"
They must suffer,diet to distraction,gone without some life pleasures just to be tiny,endure the surgeon's knife,spend huge sum of money on expensive antiaging cream,buy designer clothings that will only be worn once for red carpets,it sure hurts.

In the entertaiment industry,audience are not interested in women who are not young and not beautiful.In the make believe world,every one must be beautiful and slim ,barbie like,to get jobs.They model clothes to be bought by real women out there who are not skinny,so why must they be skinny?.The male models and actors dont have these probems,there is no standard shape for them.Once they are tone and have burging muscles,they are good to go.They too often must keep looking young and so do some of these antiaging things too,to remain relevant,face lift,botox injections etc.No one want to play grandfather,s role,every one wants to be a boyfriend,maybe a father.

.Producers who are often ugly and fat,will determine how thin or slim the actresses will be to be in his movie.Often these girls have eating disorder.Do all sorts of thing to be slim.We have heared of women eating the eggs of tape worm just be slim,this is gross and totally deadly.

They just look like cloth hangers.Most of them become CARICATURE of each other,same size,same shape,annoying fake voices,all must be vane,trying to outshine each other.It is a mean world out there.Check them out on the red carpets,trying to out vane each other.The red carpet reporters during the oscars that just took place last month often ask them the highly irritating question of "who are you wearing".

Beauty is often equated goodness,a perfection of features is often equated with a perfection of soul,in the real world,it is never like that;a very beautiful person could habour the dirtest;the meanest,the deadlest soul, on the long run,beauty is still in the eyes of the beholder.

Thursday 19 February 2015


I Went with my  friend to a hair dressing salon,in Bronx. As normal with salons,very noisy with different gist,then three young teenage girls came in,every where went deadly quit.Nobody was talking again,the dressers just abandoned every customer and rushed to the girls,all whites.These girls were dressed in a very rugged way,thorn denm,with very long artifical nail.  l got
the drift that these girls are very menacing,it was when we got home that my friend told me that the girls go by the name Tremont Avenue BITCHES (TABS)these girls togather with their male counterpart run the Avenue.These girls carry weapons,as they knew that any fight that starts is to the death. She said that the TABS,recently lost a member,a victim of inter-gang violence.

 Women who live mainly alone are often intimidated in many ways,such that these women are scared of stepping out side their homes,just talking back to any of these girl could get ones window smashed,home petrol bombed,and you just can not report them,if you have young children,who leave for school everyday.

Her next door neighour with three kids,was threatened by a fourteen year old girl,armed with a knife,becourse she claimed,she heared the woman wanted to snitched to the police.The teenage girl told her,that her gang members will fire bomb her house. For weeks,she could not leave her home.Two weeks later,the girl brought her gang who kicked down her door.They were all terrified and still could not tell the police any thing.
 Lots of shop owners had close shop to get away from these kids,some as young as ten.They can set fire to your car or steal it out right , or throw petrol soaked rag through your letter box. Kids dont play outside,people stay indoors and still sleep with one eye open. People dont want to get involved at all.Elderly people are often mugged on the street and passerbys cross to the other side of the street.
An 87 year old lady no longer leaves her home,this made her very angry,her elderly friends could no longer come and visit her as they would be mugged. Like she said,the gangs are no longer satisfied in robbing one,but also beat one up,no mather how old you are.It is indeed a very vicious and a more frightening world.

Wednesday 11 February 2015


The courtroom oath---to tell the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth--is applicable only to witnesses .Defence lawyers,prosecutors,and judges don"t take this telling the truth is relative.
 JEAN LEMALCHANCEUX said that the law protects us from barbarianism, but gives us the barbarianism of the law........A Crusader's journal.  

I watched a programme on Alijazeera,concerning the penal system in America,how lots of innocent people are behind bars due to  false witness testimonies.These testimonies were actually believed to be the truth by these witnesses at the time the case came to court.But with recent advance in forensic science, lot of innocent people had been set free.
 I watched a programme on Oprah Winfry show,it was a sad one. A black man spent 21 years behind bars for raping  a white woman.The poor man who was returning from a night shift was taken to jail. During the trial, the victim was adamant that he raped her.21 wasted years over false identification before he was proven innocent,the woman that accused him was also brought to the programme,she was sorry,but this could not give him those years back. Little wonder that there are thousands of African Americans behind jars.Athough their lifestyle choices, makes things kind of difficult for them.

In America, all huge black men are menacing and intimidating,so it is easy to subsitute one for another. I have always know that been at the wrong place at the wrong time can change the couse of one's life.Judges just act on the evidence before them,if you have poor legal representation, you are a gonna.State counsels are not interested in truth of mathers they are handling,but convictions to help their  career advancement.

 As a legal practitioner who is always in court,we all know that conviction can be faulty, especially  using circumstantial evidence. some judges are also so out of reality .I was in court for a hearing,the judge had to pass sentence on a young man of 26 years who was caught with a bag of marijuna.His lawyer tried his best,to get him off. He gave an allocutus....pleading for mercy for the accused person. He told the court, how the poor boy sick mother was in  the hospital and it was the search for money for surgery that pushed the boy,into carrying the marijuna for a dealer.I was stunned when the young judge on whom most of us female lawyers  have a crush on, sentenced the poor boy to 16 years without any possibilty of parole.I hate drug dealing but 16 years for just a small bag.l just thought of the poor mother in the hospital,waiting for the son to come and save her.
life can be so unfair.

Monday 2 February 2015


I love visiting rural or small villages in any country l travel to.I have never gone to gap at Buckingham palace, White house etc but natural wonders of the world like falls,mountains,canyons,etc .Hundred miles from Washington DC is Horse Creek,Clay county,in the wooded hill side of Appalachian mountain,South Eastern Kenturkey.

Here girls as young as 10 years often get married and have children as soon as they started menstrating.Most of these girls live in pure poverty in dilapidated wooden shacks,or trailer homes without tap water and no Toilet.Those that chose to remain in school,contend with home work,and child care.

One 12 year old,got married to a 74 year old man.They all live in a makeshift shack with his older son and grandchildren.The corner shop is a good place to get all the gossip one need about any small county.As each person is passing,the bored shop keeper will give a low down on the person.

Most of the girls are not working and live on welfare payments and food stamp,this is good as their counterpart in developing country dont get a dime from their government..

This is the bible belt,abortions are seen as sin.Some of the tenage brides are married to older men who had lost their wives.
A doctor in whose clinic a girl was born,later married the 12 year old girl,this is cradle robbing for real.Young boys of 16 years also marry younger girls and start off their own families,while living with mom and dad.

We are not talking about native American or black families here,but European American families.Protections against pregnancy are seen as sin.since most girls start breeding children from 12, just imagine the number of children at 45 or at menopause.Families from well to do homes, also practise this.Early marriages are seen as normal here,legally and culturally.

The essence of this story is for international bodies to stop their blah,blah about child marriages in poor countries, scratch the surface of so called first world countries,you will also see their own can of worm.The campaign to stop early marriages should be world wide, what is wrong in one place, cannot be right in another place, or over looked in another.A Girl of 10 years has no business with marriage and should focus on school.Most girls at this age still play with toys.
most of these girls give birth though cesaren section,as the birth canal are not well develop at this tender ages.

Tuesday 20 January 2015


Each end of year,l join millions of people travelling back to ancestoral villages for christmas and new year. l often dont know if to be sad or happy with the constant state of flux,with the expanding topography,the constant release of the last Agricultural land into the development market,while futher breaking down culture,making it easier the transformation of my beautiful rural village into just another soul-less haven for middle class angst..As l hiked round the remaining virgin forest this evoked reminiscences of a nostagic yester years.  

 In my youth,i was this stubborn head strong girl,l often delibrately go out of my way to rebel against my father. Making him angry gives me some kind of sadistic pleasure.My father was this mystical figure living in a french speaking country that often appears during the christmas,and we must return to the village from the town. My mother loved him to bites and i could not understand why we were not living with him outside the country.So just want to hurt him for not returning the huge love my mom had for him,to me if he loved us,he would stayed with us.

My father always want my sister and I to attend social gatherings in the village so as to get suitors from our village, marrying outside the village was out of make him unhappy,I often holed up in doors with my novels. On that fateful day, the traditional ruler of our village was holding the yearly coronation ceremony, my father told every body for leave for the venue, once they all left, l went back to my room and continue with my novel. He came back after two hours and saw me in,he rushed for his cane and I ran out of the house.
 I went to my cousin's house and refused to go home till my mom sent my younger brother and sister to bring me home.On our way back home , l stepped on unseen snake and was bitten,.It was my smart kid brother that saw the snake,he is still very smart.we rushed home , l was rushed out for treatment and the drama started from there.
The villagers started visiting to find out if the snake was killed as they have this believe on the supernatural ability of the snake to hunt me down,as l took it fang during the bite.

once they were told that the snake was not killed,they informed the family that the snake will come in search of me to kill after ten days.My dear mom wanted us to run back to our town home miles away from the rural village. She was informed that the snake will still get me even in America.We  were in doubt, but wanted to prove them wrong so stayed back in the village.

On the10th night,l was really scared thinking that they might be right,the snake could actually come .We made sure our light generating set was in good order in case of power failure. The whole family gathered in the living room,my brothers collected matchets or big butchers knives from the people living around,l was kept in the middle and every one was waiting for the snake to come for me till the next day, it never did.These stories actually made the village fun,things have gone to the dogs right now,fun had gone for good