Thursday 19 February 2015


I Went with my  friend to a hair dressing salon,in Bronx. As normal with salons,very noisy with different gist,then three young teenage girls came in,every where went deadly quit.Nobody was talking again,the dressers just abandoned every customer and rushed to the girls,all whites.These girls were dressed in a very rugged way,thorn denm,with very long artifical nail.  l got
the drift that these girls are very menacing,it was when we got home that my friend told me that the girls go by the name Tremont Avenue BITCHES (TABS)these girls togather with their male counterpart run the Avenue.These girls carry weapons,as they knew that any fight that starts is to the death. She said that the TABS,recently lost a member,a victim of inter-gang violence.

 Women who live mainly alone are often intimidated in many ways,such that these women are scared of stepping out side their homes,just talking back to any of these girl could get ones window smashed,home petrol bombed,and you just can not report them,if you have young children,who leave for school everyday.

Her next door neighour with three kids,was threatened by a fourteen year old girl,armed with a knife,becourse she claimed,she heared the woman wanted to snitched to the police.The teenage girl told her,that her gang members will fire bomb her house. For weeks,she could not leave her home.Two weeks later,the girl brought her gang who kicked down her door.They were all terrified and still could not tell the police any thing.
 Lots of shop owners had close shop to get away from these kids,some as young as ten.They can set fire to your car or steal it out right , or throw petrol soaked rag through your letter box. Kids dont play outside,people stay indoors and still sleep with one eye open. People dont want to get involved at all.Elderly people are often mugged on the street and passerbys cross to the other side of the street.
An 87 year old lady no longer leaves her home,this made her very angry,her elderly friends could no longer come and visit her as they would be mugged. Like she said,the gangs are no longer satisfied in robbing one,but also beat one up,no mather how old you are.It is indeed a very vicious and a more frightening world.

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