Thursday 11 June 2015


A study had shown an anomaly in the incidence of murders in the United States.  In prosperous times,the proportion of murder in which whites kill whites goes down and in bad times,it goes up.But in black own case,it moves in opposite direction.

one psychologist attribute it,the phenomenon to the differences in goals and expectations of whites and blacks in America,It goes this way, because the white generally expect to get ahead,so are frustrated by economic down turns,while blacks,it is properity that creates a great disparity in the accessibility of goals,so frustrations are taken out on fellow blacks who are doing better.
 All these violence and rioting in cities across US each time a black youth is killed by the police,which often releases emotional arousal in the black communties,while they close their eyes and ears to the criminal activites of their youths.This is the ostrich way of looking at a picture,the question is,why are black youths always having issues with the police? becourse they are always hanging round the streets.If you are working,going to school,doing home works,good creational activity,how will you be dealing with law enforcement all the time.

It is an incontroverted fact that most blacks are unfairly barred from economic and political advancement.What are they doing to pick themselves up,to do self advancement.Do you blaim the society when you drop out of school,run around with gangs,pimps etc later in life when it is too late to get a life?the society or you.

Go to the incongruous streets where they live their gaudy lives, the setups are always deadends,grimy,graffiti charred,hookers,homeless,garbage stewed streets,school aged kids still hanging around during school periods.

Their lifestyles with big fake or real jewels make them to live like interloppers,viewed with suspicions and contempt when in responsible neighbourhoods.when some good black families who want good quality life move into afluent neighbourhoods,people who often see blacks as no good move out,as they dont want to be close to them.

Racial politics in America is as natural as breathing polluted air.Blacks even with the election of one of their own into the white house,had continue their slow inexorable decline political,economically too most are still unemployed,groundless,shiftless,bitter,but of couse with high school dropouts all over their communities,things arent gonna get better.

Why cann't they break free from self inflicted bondage,poverty, dependency,discrimination,victim mentality and social pathology.The world is feed up with their  wimping about been discriminated against.It is very possible,to get out from last position.Africans  who moved to America most had achieved all they set their minds on,with good education.The battle will only be won,if the parents have reorientions on the negatives from their own lives,they are passing over to the next generation,who will turn out just like them,at the bottom of the society.

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