Friday 26 December 2014


 I have watched and listened to lot of medical programmes singing about the goodness of marijuana in the treatment of dozens of illnesses; ranging from cancer, parkinson,pains,depression,migraine,bipolar,Alzhimer,epiletic etc Doctors now want reclassfication of hemp for medical treatments.

 we were told that marijuana  was very addictive and causes mental illness.The three people close to me that smoked pot went stark raving mad.This hemp is an illegal drug in many countries of the world,even classfied by world health organization as very dangerious to health. Now various countries mostly in the west are now allowing a limited grow at homes in pots.People are now given licence to sale hemp to people for health how do they regulate the growth,? how do you  regulate the prescription of the hemp,every one knows that you can get any drug you want from some kind of doctors.

 Yes there may be benefits to the smoking of this weed,but have they looked at the long time effect. They now produce hemp in various forms,vapourized form,liqudized form,in form of droups,cooking with it. These are far better than smoking hemp,as it has a very disgusting odour.

 Legalizing hemp smoking is going to leave a very sour taste for many people this hemp  destroyed the lives of their love best friend brother,s life  was totally destroyed by this .he started this in high school when he met an American deportee,as our youth are not even known to smoke anything.In little time he got hooked;started stealing,go out come back without his shirt or shoes,when the family stopped his pocket money.

 To remove him from his hemp friends,he was removed to start schooling in America,this was like adding gas to fire,what with those very terrible African Americans.most of whom have no life and dont do any thing to have a meaningful life.The family brought him home,then send him to Britain,once in LONDON he started moving with Jamacians.Every one in UK knew that these people are terrible once it comes to drug dealing.
 he cut every link with the family, I was in UK and the sister in US.l traced him to WEMBLY just  by ASDA shopping mall, in the home of a JAMICIAN drug lord,the sister flew in from US and we storm the address,the rough looking man with mattered hair that had never seen a comb as a RASTA , ran us off his terraced home with   long sword,totally hooked on some thing.

 The boy was brought home once more, about 18 years and useless.He was taken for treatment and kept running away.Ironically  he kept on returning to the sister,s exhusband,s home without understanding that they were divorced and both remarried.The man till today still kept him in his very large home.the poor boy  cannt even recorganize any of his relations. that when he was informed that their mum had passed on,he could,nt comprehend what the fuss was for.

Bottom line,the people in the medical line must be sure that the benefits of hemp is significant,as most people on hard drugs often start from hemp smoking.There are lots of social problems all over the world mostly fuelled by drugs.

Thursday 18 December 2014


I love Koran traditional movies set in era before the division of the country into north and south.People will always rebel against the king,s opressive rule,the rebels are always caught and tortured.The king will seat on the throne, while the rebels both male and female will be sitted,with thick heavy woods place between their legs while two people will be pressing their private parts and crushing the bones.The screams are always terrifying.I always close my eyes from the blooded scene.Am sure it was so in days gone by.

8th of December marked human right day and also 30 good years aniversary of the ractification of the law against torture.But nothing has changed; as American senate also release their report on torture.In the ancient time, when the Roman Catholic Church besotted the whole world as the ruler,torture was a common thing.People were tortured for going against or questioning the Church postion on God, the bible ,creation of the universe etc. Galileo an Italian scientist  was tortured and killed for theorizing that the world is round and not flat as the church taught.Now the cookies has crumbled for Catholic church.

In the modern world,torture  has not stopped,mad scientists are always researching on the most effective way of obtaining confessional statements from suspects.This was escabated by terrorism, these confessional statement often false,are obtained through means already outlawed.These people are dehumanized,depersonalized, deindividualized by torturers who are also deindividualized themselves;by who ever employed them.

The prisioners already institutiinalized,are less than human to the tormentors.They are made to pass through unsual pains,feeling no different from a Rat in cage.Think of the hooded prisioner going through water boarding,or one deprive of sleep or kept in a total darkness and isolated from other human beings for years.

We all know these are done in furdrance of a cause like State security or a high case like true Religion ,a political ideology or loyalty to a race,its effect can be galvanic. like the 17th centure French philosopher Blaise Pascal said "Never is evil done so thoroughly or so well,as when it is done in a good cause".

Obedience to authority is a deeply ingrained human attribute,so the people been used to carry out these acts become alienated to the terrible things they are doing.Though there must be an emotional tug of war between their conscience  and their humuan act of causing pains to others,but  they still dont see themselves as been responsible for the victims suffering.

Sure deviants will always exist in very society,the deep rooted anger of deviants should be looked into.When it comes to the global problem of the Radicalization of modern youths of certain religious believes,the answer should be in Education and Reducation.Ilitracy is a serious illness in developing nations.The rich Nations should not close their eyes to the problems of poor countries,after all,we all share common humanity.Sooner than later,there will be no place to hide.

Wednesday 10 December 2014


The 12 year old boy who was shot and killed by the police in United States from the video clips showed was holding a toy gun that look very real,people called the police who shot him at the park. people learnt through immitation,picking up the behaviour pattens they see around them,through a process called  CONDITIONING.,in which rewards and punishments some obvious,some subtle.These behaviour patten, often start from home,then progressively built up as strong influence from society comes into play..

Psychologist Leonard Eron carried out an experiment of a group of 875 children living in rural district of New York state over a long period of time.He studied first hand effect of television aggression on violent tendencies as they become young adults.The amount of time spent on violent films,determines the level of aggressiveness of the person as an adult.The Semai people of central Malaya,who are not exposed to television at all are very gentle people so said Anthropologist Robert Dentan,who spent a year living with them.

American rise to violence started from all the so called 'cowboys' films like 'THEY DIED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON' with Errol Flynn who played the role of General Custer 'LONE STAR TRAIL' 'FIVE BOLD WOMEN' 'SOME WHERE IN SONORA' 'BRONCHO TWISTER' etc.One of my brother in laws love watching the film 'FIRST BLOOD' so much that he named his son 'RAMBO'.Today the 18 year old boy is a criminal, moving from soft crime to hard ones.

Italians then started their Mafians films that triggered the highest level of violence,where nothing is left to the imagination, the films are bloody,the acceptance to the public ,made things terrible for growing impressionable young generation.
Bottom line,these violence in the name of entertainment on television and now internets has fueled many robbery,kidnapping,cannibalism,serial killing,gang membership;satanic praticses,ritual killings,drug taking etc.Every country is now caught up,there is no hidding place.Religious extremism had now taken violence to a frenzy levels, since the advent of televangelisn.American schools had become very scary places,where students and staff could be guy down by angry drug fuelled youths.All effects of over watching of violent movies.From what is seen right now,every one watches movies, whether rated 18 or not.This days parents dont care.Kids are becoming very strong willed,parents are too busy, to take note.Children are left on their owns,to seek whatever makes them happy.

In our own country,the best selling movies are RITUAL films,main actors,always meet voodoo witch doctors who will ask for human heads,breasts,private parts or new born infants to prepare get rich fast medicine, whereby a dirty poor person turns into a billionarie over night.what With high level of uneducated people, who often believe everything seen on the televison,ritual killings,cult membership,gangsterism,in real life becomes the order of the day,witch doctors start making neat cash.  People had disappeared never to be seen ever.people had never asked themselves why voodoo doctors are always dirty poor,always live in the slums,if truely they can make one rich after pounding a new born child into mince meat for some satan.Then in comes CULT films,now most university students belong to one cult group or the others ,they carry out robbery and kidnapping to fuel their high profile living.Parents now dont want to send their children to Nigerian universities, for fears of their kids becoming cult members.Parents perfer to send their kids to Ghana or Uk universities.At the end of the day,we are all paying the price for these movies,when you can not move around on foot,jog in the parks or streets,take walks,or even sleep with two eyes closed.

Thursday 4 December 2014


The two bomb blast that took place in kano city in Northen Nigeria was carried out by two tenage girls aged 13 and 15 years.The first bomb went off,while people gathered to take closer looks,the second girl wearing a Buka ran into their mist and denoted her own bomb;which killed about 60 people.

who are these girls? how do such young children got involve in terror aggressive behavours, who are their parents ,are they aware of the deadly missions of their daughters. people had theorized the 200plus kidnapped school girls from CHIBORK High school adopted 7 months ago,were converted from Christianity by force to Islam,then brainwashed into turning into suicide bombers.

We were told that male suicide bombers are brainwashed into believe that if one is killed in the course of fight 'holy' wars as they actually believed theyvwere doing, the immidate reward from God,will be12 virgins.These illiterates couldnt just wait to start ravaging the virgins,just rush to heaven without God inviting them first.pray, what do the instigators offer these girls? mulitiple hunks?.

l have always imagine the mind of a suicide bomber,moving into crowd to kill as much people as possible ,it must be a dark labyrinth of blackness, moving towards a never to return insurmountable preciple. What is the solution? invesigation by the government, to find out who these girls were and charge the people using these very young girls for crime against humanity.