Friday 31 October 2014


To live other people's lives is nothing unless we live over their perceptions, live over the growth,the change,the varying intensity of the same--since it was by these things they themselves lived .AMERICAN GREAT NOVELIST ,HENRY JAMES   

 last week,l watched a news item on France24 on how a group of African students were attacked on a subway in  I NDIA without the police coming to their help.Just becourse they are black.There are millions of Indians in Africa.I went to school with lots of Indians,most of whom were born here in Africa.without any issues,they are in all the cities  of Nigeria i,n any trade one can think of.

The most important aspect of life is that your country of origin is totally independent of your decision..what determines one,s skin colour is geography and not divine intervention or favour,an imutable law is that the closer your country to the sun,the darker the skin,the futher away from the Sun, the paler the skin colour.
African students are seen as coming to take over jobs in host countries and other issues just like AUSTRIAN SCIENTIST Konrad Lorenz and Robert Audrey theories in the book AFRICAN GENESIS AND TERRTORAL IMPERITIVE made it clear that human being can become aggressive which functions to provide each individual with a sufficient space to ensure an ample food supply,especially these days of global mass unemployment.
   why are people ready to take in such humilation out side the shores of their country?l have travel to various to different countries of the world,l also have my own racial perception. when in America,am always scared of serial killers that l often dont step outside the apartment and dont generally sleep well and are also scared of young people going crazy and start killing every one in sight. In United Kingdom,am scared of PUNKS and SKIN HEADS who are in total rebellion against everyone.God forgive me,the people l totally dislike are African AMERICANS.the sassiness and the attitudes of their female folks drives me crazy, the lay back attitudes of their menfolk is totally well known that is why they still remain the dreg of American society.They equally hate Africans too.

People from so called third world countries would not have been moving to also so called first world(whatever that means) countries if their crude Machiavelian leaders who are only interested in their own  survivalist calculus,should work for their societies.while other leaders are working for betterment of mankind,they are all vain and egoristical self centered.Am glad to read that the president of BURKINE NABABE has just been pushed out of power after 27years in power without moving his country out of poverty.27 years ago he killed his best friend THOMAS SANKARA to take over power and wanted another two  terms of 5 years that would have been 37 years in power,this one of the reasons helpless citizens look for greener pastures.Leaving their countries to such power drunk presidents for lives without challenging them.It took that country 27 years to do the right thing of reclaiming their country from a tyrant.

Friday 17 October 2014


      In a city in Northern part of this country, there are two classes of male  prostitutes,the one that accept female clients and the ones that are strickly GAY, so only accept male clients.The ones that service female customers are known with white handichief tied round the wrist while the gay ones tie yellow handichieves. Their territories are well known to the religious police. so who are the women who go looking for these guys to exchange sexual favours for money?

    What do lonely vibrant women do when their lives has become a rot? some are widowed,divorced, single, never married waiting on the lord,as it is said locally. it is impossible for others to understand how desperately lonely life can get when a women is alone. more so, in  jungle cities where every one is alienated from one dont even know your next door apartment habitants. The married friends dont want unmarried friends near their homes,fear of husband snatchers in local language.

  These are suave and sophiscated women with good jobs and good money who suddenly found themselves on the shelf of life. Actaully,it s not all about sex in which case sex toys abound, but human touch, they often want some one to be in charge instead of them.They want to hold a conversation with another human and not with the they are ready to pay a human companion.often they believe that these guys are just passing thing until the main thing arrives or until their social lives are sorted out.
some of these women are not happy or feel highly embarrased inviting these studs into their homes,one said the sex was good as most of these guy often take a lot of local sex stimulants,if you are not strong ,the actions of these young men who had taken lots of deadly stimulants ; if not, how do they get it up for every body on demand?
could land you in the hospital so said the banker,but  with a deep sense of loss and emptiness after the act.

Some of these women are just ok with these guys they believe as they are always unfortunate to pick the wrong guys who always dump them after leaving their pockets dry.So having been out  of disastrous relationships;one woman said she have been beaten up, insulted and vomited upon by a lover just because she was searching for a husband,so had made up her mind to go for guarantee sex without emotional attachment,that is pay for it.she has a particular customer the past one year and she is good with it.

  Some women found rather disorienting the rather clinical ways the action often took place rather disappointing. One said it often seem like a trip to a SPA.for one woman her date just went down to business by wanting if she wants oral or the main thing,collected his money and was out in a jiff.we have cases where husbands bring in these guys for their wives.

     The bottom line is that these women are very lonely,some are married but are still very very lonely , as husbands are busy doing their own runs.It is common knowledge that some people are in a marrage but are not married, and are much loner than singles, as they are totally enstranged from their husbands. One woman confessed that she had not made love with her husband in years.but both love their children too much so must aviod rocking the marriage.
    Some spinsters are in their fourties ,fifties with good jobs,no children;limited proposals ,work all day, only to return to a lonely apartment.

Wednesday 1 October 2014


It is always surprising that people take good care of their cars, but neglect their bodies,you see them washing and polishing their cars but when it comes to the bodies, they dont care at all. Often when women hit 50years,there is an acceptance that is it ,the end of the road, while most men start enjoying their game of golf, tennis etc  
       So middle age spread start to spread out of hand.people start becoming fat and start lossing their self confidence and feel a total mess.JODY started spreading out after having two kids and since her husband did not complain she was ok with herself until she saw a picture they took during a vacation and was like who was that.This was a wake up call for her to do something about her fatness.she clear out the kitchen;threw out the chips,cookies,stop drinking and started the journey to reinvent herself.         

Some people have a genetic predosposition to being fat so always look "thick"often the eating habit adopted by a family can affect a whole generation, so breaking out of the unhealthy habit can have a life changing effect on even the propensities to some termina illnesses like high blood pressure, heart problems,diabetics even certain cancers etc. The most important part is having the tenesit y of purpose to to continue eating right and exercising right too..

 Reducing unwanted body fat requires inccreased cadio training and reduced caloric ontake. Start with a basic pressing movement to warm up your muscles, get into arobics and end with the threadmill,enjoy the greatvout doors but keep away from lonely roads and paths.

1   Do exercise slowly---when lefting weight like I do,slow and smooth moves are the best, ensure the whole muscles benefits.

2 Dont hold your breath----Relax and have proper breathing.

3 PROGRESS GRADUALLY-----Dont jump into it, slow and steady is the key.

4 TRAIN-----Three to four times a week does it.

 5 STOP IMMEDIATELY  if you have chest pains,dizziness;light headedness; nausea or pain.

If you continue with these and eating right, you will be strong and healthy into dot ages.