Friday 28 February 2014


In an old MARIE CLAIRE publication ,was a fasinating  story by CATHY SCOTT-CLARK and ADRIAN LEVY .. titled "INDIA`S FEMALE DRUG BARONS." in the foothill of the Himalaya mountain lies a village run by a cartel of women who grow, harvest and sell the most expensive cannabis resin in the world.
 The women are called daughters of ALEXANDER as they believed they are descended from Alexander the great armies lost during the crusade. The women  work and controlled the trade, while the men spend their days totally stoned on the drugs, sleeping away their time. The general consensus are that men are not to be trusted. The business is handed down from Mother to Daughter and never Sons.
   The most interesting  thing about these people is their marriage. In the center of the village is what is called marriage houses(, they become sexually active from age 10). The male and female meet at night in this marriage house, as a female if you see any man you fancy, you sleep with him if he pays you 20 rupees. They marry if they like each other. The female can discard of the male at any time and return to the marriage house to look for another husband. As they hold the economic power, they are never short of suitors. One called Durgi boasted "I don`t stay with any man for long,we are the strong ones " these are female preditors. The consequence was that  mortality rate was one of the highest in India.Check out the daily papers the love searching page these days what do you see, young boys searching for older women to have relationships with. Why do these boy leave young girls and go after dinosaurs, this boil down to poverty in real terms and of character. Many married women these days are indifferent to marriage, those who are financially independence consider it a bad bargain. Most have husbands who are too busy,so they hunt young boys to massage their egos and spend a lot of money, as the boys are only interested in money. These boys are strong and active so don"t require Viagra unlike their middle aged husbands. Most middle aged single, widowed , divorced women have a sense of isolation, even some married ones too. Modern living has made it more so, lots of husbands and wives are not staying togather in the same home as couples ,one is working in one town, the other in another city. More so in developing countries, lots of  wives are often sent abroad to live with the children, or husbands are working abroad,    while the wives are living alone. Most rich men don"t even have time for their wives; most of whom are house wives. The husbands are always on the move closing deals. A story was püblished then of a military governor"s wife who had an affair with a then famous actor, the husband wised up,threw her out and took away her kids.Married women sleeping with young boys often have profound effect on the marriage. It starts with the thrill of the forbidden act, then move to the logistics of deceit like where the tango would take place..... his pad,, hotel, motel, her home , office, bush, car. A 76 year old woman was actually caught having sex in her well packed car with her driver. The first inklings of suspicion by the husband, followed by discovery , the confrontation could be a nightmare that would not be worth the stress. These boys who had perfected the act of gigglo would just move on.The pocket of the preditor is leaner by then, as the boy want a well furnished pad ,his own ride, designer wears etc. There are a lot women with their own earned cash these days who are ready to send on these boys,. these women move from a boy to another. Sure there could actually exist true love between an other woman and a younger lover. Think of TINA TURNER ,LIZ TAYLOR ,and their younger lovers, but they still got their fingers burnt .The female preditors are always on the look out for better looking boys. They are ready to dump an old flame for a new one, Some of the married ones turned preditors as an act of  revenge on their husbands, who often started the cheating game. some of the women are left with rampaging  raving libido"s , so the women who often would start having low self esteem and deminishing self worth concerning their attractiveness,could start looking out for their own lovers too as an act of self reassurance and also getting back at the cheating husband, the thrill is with a younger person .

Thursday 20 February 2014


The World is truely a Man's own. A widowed, divorced,never married older man, married man too, can marry at anytime he wants to any woman old or young. older single women are often face with lonely years. Men of their age mates are not interested in them. They want younger women, the younger the better to massage their deminishing ego as studs.This loneliness is more pronounced in single older women without Children. They are also alienated from their married friends. t
 The loneliness of these women makes it easy for them to fall prey to preditors out there in form of much younger men, sometimes tenage boys young enough to be their kids. We had read severally of "so called socialities" who dated young studs. They often got their fingers burnt and their hearts broken.W
 Women should be alert at proposals from these young boys, majority are Gold diggers who could read their desperations to dig into the women's pockects,  these are times when single older women need financial independence for future infemities.
  Remember the news about the young Nigeria Boy that duped an Austrialian 67 year old woman of thousands of dollars, lured her to South Africa and murded her. This error of judgement is almost routine in older lonely women. Ihindsight almost all of us have, at least once, experienced a compelling idea of a semi dazzling person crawling through our psychic windows and catching us off guard.
 These young men often romanced these lonely women in a paradiscal manner.Most of them are naive and keep on making poor choices in mates, often there is something compelling, a sort of  Blue beardian mesmerization (remember the fairy tale), about continuing the destructive quest for younger lovers.
 Often these women chose mate who denigrates her heart and dismantles her pocket and health or her life even. Clarissa Pinkola Este's in her best seller "WOMEN WHO RUN WITH THE WOLVES" said "the naive woman taciticaly agrees to remain "not knowing" women who are gullibe or those with injured instincts are like flowers, turn in the direction of whatever sun is offered" this means that the women knew by instinct that the relationships wouldnt end well but could not resist the preditors.
Lastly, i read that amoung animals, there is said to be a mysterious death psychic between a predator and a prey. It was noted that if the prey gives a type of eye contact with a certain kind of shiver that causes a ripple all over it's body, the prey acknowledge its weakness to the preditor and agrees to become the preditor's victim. Next week i will look at older women as preditors.


Thursday 13 February 2014


 Justina was my first cousin who lost her husband in her forties, i invited her to look after my kids while i travel for further studies.Her late husband died from lung infection that was not treated as she onjy took him to a prayer house for prayers, even as we gave her money to take him to a hospital.
  I noticed that her eating habit was not what it should at her age,she loves fats a lots. A jar of margarine i bought for my kids, she finish in two days.when we bought beef, after trimming the fats off, she would cook and eat with my kids, off course animal fat is very tasty.
  When i came back from my trip, she decided to stay back in town and start petty trading.meanwhile she stayed with her last child with me while the others were staying on their owns. I helped her get an apartment and she started trading in a caravan placed by the fence of my house.
   My friends and i run an NGO that educate women on breast and cervical cancer, we move around market places, meeting houses, churches educating women and taking them to see doctors in case of problems. i often invite her to attend meetings with us, she was doing that. She started traveling without informing me especially when she started attending deeper life church. I would express my unhappiness at her trips without telling me, yet she never stopped. The last time i sawher,she visited me on a sunday, then took off again for the next three months, there was no contact. Even her two sisters had no information on her. I kept on calling them,til one called Justina´s son who informed her that her mother was vacating with her and wouldnt want to be disturbed.
   I kept on urging the sister to pay the son a visit since both of them live in Abuja, she went visiting the son.She meet her semi conscious, that same day she moved her into a hospital and they were referred to a specialist hospital,she went into a coma and passed on within two days on been moved there of cervical cancer.
     I reflected on the stories she told me about her late husband who  had a lot of relationships with women, how she had contracted sexual infectionsthree times from the husband. This was treated in a pharmacy store without tests and no follow up tests after treatment by the usually untrained pharmacy attendant.i started thinking of  HUMAN PAPILLÖMA VIRUS, this virus has been known to be the major cause of cervical cancer. It has been reported that more than 20 million Americans are carrying the active virus right now, just think of what the figure should be here in a developing country.Currently there is vaccine for HPV.
   Am not saying that i could had saved her life,but she had listened to our NGO preached about early treatment. She knew where to go to for help, but would not open up to me when she noticed things like bleeding when not seeing period or bleeding after menopause, which is very bad and should be checked at once and then pains in lower stomach etc. This is the problem with a lot of people,they just believed that if you just ignore ill health, it would just go away. But things dose not   work that way at all. We should always educate our husbands on the importance of safe sex practices.Prevention is better than cure. There are also some unsafe sex practices. MICHEAL DOUGLAS the famous Hollywood actor, had just been treated for throat cancer, people were shocked so to say, when he blamed HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS for his throat cancer. His ex wife made it clear that he did not get the HPV from her. This means he has been using his mouth and tongue on some one´s genital organs....yak  

Thursday 6 February 2014


Two days ago was 4th of febuary was world cancer day, it was celebrated with a grim statistics for mankind and women in was stated that cancer has become the leading cause of death world wide. developing nations mostly effected cos we arenot used to carrying out prevent check up.
You dont have to be one of them. times without number we have been told that lifestyle changes can reduce the statistics,though nobody knows the true cause of cancer. lung and breast cancer incidents has reached a crisis level, we have been told not to smoke, most of us dont. we shouldnt drink more than a glass of wine a day, as alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer by as much as 50% .
Eating healthy well balance meals,goes a long way in protecting us against all cancers. we have been told to eat fruits and vegetables every day,how many of us does that. We must cut out unhealthy fats, give up red beef, we must also give up sugar completely. Sugar is like food to cancer, in avoiding sugar, reduce your fruit juice intake. Most fruit juice in the market are packed with sugar. Eat fruits without juicing to get fibre which helps in preventing colon natural foods avoid cans foods, avoid fast foods, they are filled with saturated fats. Read the wonderfull book by H.K. BAKHRU "FOODS THAT HEAL" The natural way to good health. to gain more insight on healthy diets. vegetable juicing is the way to go, carrots, cucumber, cabbage, spinash, bitter leaf (my favourity) can serve as refreshing drinks,pack full of vitamins. .Buy a good juicer like KENWOOD or PHILLIPS or use any good food processor.
Stop been a coach potato. Sedentary lifestyle is a killer. nothing is as good and refreshing as an hour exercise every morning. To be good and feel great you must maintain the weight and size you were on your 25TH BIRTHDAY tall jorder for older women, but with discipline and self control, you can banish middle age spread. so start moving, walking, dancing, yoga etc you dont have to belong to a gynm to exercise. down load music and dance very well in the privacy of your hom If you love old school musics check WAPDAM for 70s 80s 90s musics. swing the whole
of your body, sweat it out for an hour.
Dont ignore yourfamily history. any past cancer in the family should not be ignored. importantly in an immdiate family member. This could increase your propensity to develop it. women must do pap test and carry out mamogram at least once in two years, depending on your risk level. some cancers like cervic and stomach own could result from untreated infection, more on that in another blog. for problems  or concerns on this mather, contact BREASTLINK CARE. or send a mail to UJUGRACE86@GMAIL.

Monday 3 February 2014


 getting older is actually a tought time in every woman,s life.In the morden world,everyone over forty is already outdated and written off.So mostt women want to turn back the hands of time. over 20 billion dollers is spent on cosmetics yearly, over 300 million dollars on plastic surgery,you see very old women with big standing boobs, instead of sagging one,buying into youth quest. Letty cottin Pogerbin in her wonderful book "GETTING OVER GETTING OLDER"  said "the time a fifty year old woman spends trying to look thirty or forty is time when she is not fully present in the here and now-- not living in the moment, but longing for something that will forever be beyond her reach. Time squandered in search of youth is time indentured to a myth"When you look into the mirror what do you see? passage of time, why do we wish that  we should reclaim our youth and live it again. why do we compare ourselves with our age mates, comparing lines and be continued