Tuesday 20 January 2015


Each end of year,l join millions of people travelling back to ancestoral villages for christmas and new year. l often dont know if to be sad or happy with the constant state of flux,with the expanding topography,the constant release of the last Agricultural land into the development market,while futher breaking down culture,making it easier the transformation of my beautiful rural village into just another soul-less haven for middle class angst..As l hiked round the remaining virgin forest this evoked reminiscences of a nostagic yester years.  

 In my youth,i was this stubborn head strong girl,l often delibrately go out of my way to rebel against my father. Making him angry gives me some kind of sadistic pleasure.My father was this mystical figure living in a french speaking country that often appears during the christmas,and we must return to the village from the town. My mother loved him to bites and i could not understand why we were not living with him outside the country.So just want to hurt him for not returning the huge love my mom had for him,to me if he loved us,he would stayed with us.

My father always want my sister and I to attend social gatherings in the village so as to get suitors from our village, marrying outside the village was out of it.to make him unhappy,I often holed up in doors with my novels. On that fateful day, the traditional ruler of our village was holding the yearly coronation ceremony, my father told every body for leave for the venue, once they all left, l went back to my room and continue with my novel. He came back after two hours and saw me in,he rushed for his cane and I ran out of the house.
 I went to my cousin's house and refused to go home till my mom sent my younger brother and sister to bring me home.On our way back home , l stepped on unseen snake and was bitten,.It was my smart kid brother that saw the snake,he is still very smart.we rushed home , l was rushed out for treatment and the drama started from there.
The villagers started visiting to find out if the snake was killed as they have this believe on the supernatural ability of the snake to hunt me down,as l took it fang during the bite.

once they were told that the snake was not killed,they informed the family that the snake will come in search of me to kill after ten days.My dear mom wanted us to run back to our town home miles away from the rural village. She was informed that the snake will still get me even in America.We  were in doubt, but wanted to prove them wrong so stayed back in the village.

On the10th night,l was really scared thinking that they might be right,the snake could actually come .We made sure our light generating set was in good order in case of power failure. The whole family gathered in the living room,my brothers collected matchets or big butchers knives from the people living around,l was kept in the middle and every one was waiting for the snake to come for me till the next day, it never did.These stories actually made the village fun,things have gone to the dogs right now,fun had gone for good