Friday 26 September 2014


When Micheal Kennedy died, the story of his affair with the family baby sitter was huge.The girl started working for the family when she was 12 years old,he lured her in,gained her trust and friendship. Awed for such a powerful man to have sheep eyes for her and totally inexperienced,she found his behaviour both uncomfortable and hard to resist.lewd lascivious men are everywhere.young girls serving the families are just like fresh flowers for them to harvest.    

 many young teenage girls found themselves in such situation as live in helpers and often start having secret affairs with the master of the house for many reasons ,some of them are emotionally needy,insecured and are from either troubled homes or poverty ridden homes.The men lured these girls into trusting them by been over nice,over flattery,preying into their insecurities,could try to be surrogate father figures to them.

 Joy was 14 years old when she started helping Tom's wife who just had a baby.She said that she found it confusing playing many roles to the family, mother surrogate to the baby,sister surrogate to the wife and quasi-girl friend to him.He then violated her,she said the sex was neither tender nor sweet, though she was young,she did not want an affair with him at all.often times these girls become emotionally dependent on the men violating them that they function on emotionally autopilot.

 The risk some of these men take just to bed young girls are baffling. When i was at the high school, my granny died and my mum took me to stay with her sister while she travelled home for the burial.Just the third day after my arrival,while fast asleep i felt a hand touching my young budding breast, l jump up to see my Aunty's very christian nice banker husband on my bed just next room to his room with his wife. As I got set to scream, he melted back into their bedroom. The next day l took my backpack and went home.

These girls often face double trouble if the Mistress of the home wise up to the affairs.Some had forced to have abortions on been pregnant ,before been thrown out into the street of course they dont have a say on whether to keep the babies or not. A medical Doctor whose wife is also a doctor had been exposing his privates and forcing the nanny to watch him masterbate himself.The girl told a neighbour who informed the wife who gave the girl a beating that landed her in a hospital for lying against her husband.

 One family got more than they bargained for when the head of the family started an affair with the house help.One day the girl told them her mother was sick and she was needed at home and asked the man privately for payment for all the sexual services rendered,the man called her bluff she left then one day headed to the school collected the baby from the school till date the 3year old baby and the girl who came from another country are yet to be found.

 It is all about men feeling that they have control and power over all female staying in their homes, the suffering these live in girls go through workin from dawn to dusk and the little time they have to sleep at night, the MEN of the homes cut in by snick in to sleep with against their will.



Wednesday 17 September 2014


MY Four books of all time are 1,WITCHING HOUR. by Ann Rice, BONTIFIRE OF VANITY by Thomas Wolfe. WAR AND PEACE by Tolstoy. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT by Pyodor Dostoevsky. lhave read hundreds of books so should know.w

   I started reading very early in life.Istarted with fairy tales like snow white,  beauty and beast etc.Then blue beard and his murdered locked wives,which really scared me.Then ARABIAN NIGHT ENCHANTING STORIES,LIKE SIMBAD THE SAILOUR I was there with him.I moved into folklore era with GREECE FOLKLORES,ENGLISH FOLKLORE,but the one that had a long lasting effect on me was FOLK TALES FROM SCOLTLAND.looking for it to read once more.

   Then I graduated into romantice stories,like MILLS AND BOOM.DENNIS ROBINS.really believing in the happily ever after stories. then I graduated into crime stories with JAMES HARLEY CHASES I bought and own all his books like MISS BLANDISH WAVE A WAND.THE THINGS MEN .COME EASY GO EASY.l read them all and lost all to my brothers friends.SIDNEY SHELDOM .DAN BROWN.ANN RULE who is a wonderful crime writer.many many  novels which i had spent a lot buying reading.Even science fictions. MYSTICAL WRITERS like India mystic ROSPSY RAMPA fasinated me at a time.DENNIS WHEATLEY,STEPHEN KING etc.

   when it come to religious and so called inspirational books,I have read the Bible,Koran,Gray message volumes in THE LIGHT OF THE TRUTH,AMOC etc in search of the truth about why are we here and how. those books like how to be a billionaire and how to be sucessful in life bore me to hell.Had never finished one.These books are kind of fake to me.I had always believe one need hard work and very good luck to be rich, which is also relative.

  Now what do you have? no body is reading any thing my hey days high school graduates walk about with fat novels like TAI-PAN. SHOGUN by James Clavell.  MANCHU by Robert Elegance books by MAUGHAN SOMEREST. books by GRAHAM GREENE like BRIGHTON ROCK etc as nerds to show off to girls, While girls move around with Barbara Bradford fat novels like A WOMAN OF SUBSTANCES ,HOLD THE DREAM, THE WOMEN IN HIS LIFE ETC .JILL COOPER novels ,JUDITH KRAVTNS books just to show the boys that they are sophisticated.

   like i said; not any longer.Every body is into movies, GAMES, PINGING.W.ho want to read when one can spend the time watching movies like HARRY POTTER SERIES for younger children, X MEN LORD OF THE RINGS,SMALLVILLE,300,GAME OF THE THRONE,24 etc for boys and MEXICAN SOAP OPERA,now we have SOAP OPERA from PHILIPHINES and SOUTH KOREA are into serious film making.I love KOREA traditional movies with the beautiful clothes worn in the movies, can even speak a little and am heading there for my next vacation out of curiosity after watching a lot of their movies. Even E-BOOKS are not working young people hate  fat books and are totally bored with any thing more than text from their schools.  READING IS NOT JUST COOL.
  So been a best writer now  means nothing  at all, expect if the books areturned into movies. The Nigeria wave making celebrated author CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE was just an object of curiosity to people who had heared of her books like PURPLE HIBISCUS, HALF OF A YELLOW SUN ,THE THING AROUND HER NECK, AMERICANH She only became famous when the book HALF OF A YELLOW SUN was turned into a movies and was showned in movie houses all over the country. to get young people to start reading will be pretty hard now with all these weapons of technology around them.Nobody cares about spoken English now, as no one cares onces you can bing understandable words.
 so what is to be done depend on the parents to help very young children to reclaim the lost reading culture, and get into the joy of it.

Tuesday 9 September 2014


 A girl,a sickle cell patient was raped and strangled as she left the  sickle cellclinic late at night.she was gang rapedfirst before she was killed.what lead people to get carried away by act of sexual gratification, that they can kill for 5minutes pleasure?

  Rape is not new to any society,even in the bible we were told how Tamar a virgin daughter of king David was raped by her half brother Ammon. Dinah daughter of Jacob was raped by Shechem a randy prince of Hivites.

  The number of reported cases has gone up.About one in six women had been raped at one time or the other.most of the rapist because of societal pat in the back often become serial in nature.Some perverted men even rape snot dribbling 12 month old man was caught recentily in Nigeria raping a dog,he confessesd it was the 4th dog he raped and was bitten by two of the dogs. one even raped a chicken for real,can you beat that.I believe that beastality could have something to do with the EBOLA out breaks.Mad men raping MONKIES,APES,BATS etc

  most raped victims dont ever forget the incident. They are often trumatized.Some dont even report the act,as often police are very hostile to victims, wanting to know why they went there,the type of cloth worn and if they were wearing make ups, if they are virgins and other silly questions.So only one in 25 women often are bold enough to report rape and attend court hearings.most hate seeing the rapist at courts.The rape incidents could ofen mare victims future relationships with partners.most dont want any contacts with opposite sex.

  A rape survivor said "The rape itself was very painful, bloody painful.After he bit my nibble,i just went on with it because of fear of been killed. Part of the trial was terrible, the defense lawyer told the court that the assilant was able to bit my nipple because my nipple was hard, instead of soft, implying that i must have been aroused, can you beat that. The Judge was nodding to that. He was totally out of touch that i wanted to ask if he has daughter at all".

 57% of rape victims are children below 17 years and are often raped bypeople very close to the family.That male relative staying at your home, the teacher who has special interest in your child,that house help in your home taking charge of the kids while you are working,cooks ,drivers, gardeners,the very nice boy next door could be the one and the kids may never tell as they are often told they will be killed if they do.or blackmailed in some ways often believing they are bad and to ne blaimed for the rape.

  The light sentences given for rape can never deter any body for becoming serial on it.A guy convicted of rape four good times was set free only to attacked two sisters at home soon after.while the incident of rape has risen, the conviction for rape has fallen,to make mather very bad,previous rape convictions or reports are not taken into into consideration during sentensing, why,why.