Monday, 14 July 2014


Once a girl is hooked by traffickers, a contract is drawn up, under which she agrees to a sum of money running into thousands of dollars. These contracts are drawn up by phony lawyers.At the top of the game is a madam , a retired old expired sex worker, whom the traffickers work for.

 The girls are normally taken to a shrine where rituals are done and an oath taken.Something deeply personal are then taken from the girls like hair from head, public hairs, used under wears; clipped nails, used sanitory towels etc. These are to keep the girls in fear as every one here is deeply superstitious.Just to control the girls from a distance.

   In some cases, these young women were forced to sleep in coffins, drink chicken blood all with threat of death if they disobey their madams who could have as many as 20 girls working for each. visit  DHL or FEDEX offices in town,mothers of these girls come with items like native black soaps, lip sticks,eye liners,wigs etc these are send to their daughters in Italy after passing through some rituals to attract customers, or get old rich men to marry them or give them protection from police, who are always on look out for them for deportation. One deported girl gave a picture of how they often run into sewage tunnels and run for miles
underground to escape from police.

 Statistically speaking there are more than 20,000 Nigerian girls on the street of Italy.There is FIXER often a woman that move around remote villages recruiting poor young girls with promises of educations and jobs abroad,only to be trafficked into sex trade.

Rosana Paradiso, from Italian city of TURIN work with an NGO called TURNAROUND they meet these girls and educate them on the dangers of been out in the street as sex slaves.They are encouraged to mention their traffickers which they rarely do out of fear of the voodoo oath taken by them. safe houses for deported women in  Nigeria was also set up them.Trades are taught to teach them how to stand on their feets and fend for themselves.

 The work of the NGO and CATHOLIC Church here is paying off as the crazy to go abroad is dying off. Young girls are seen all over the markets and streets trading,the women in the state are really hard working. most have build houses from their trading and send their kids to good schools. they have learnt that there is d
ignity in labour.

Thursday, 10 July 2014


   What is Nigeria greatest export to Italy it is nothing but raw sex. Remove sex trade from a state in southern Nigeria, the economy will certainly collapsed. most families here have daughters plying the trade abroad. Please note that these girls are not from les miserables families but girls from middle class homes.
     Most houses and shopping plazas for rent outside the GRA where the monyed class live belong to these girls carrying out sex trade. The most shocking thing is that girls of all ages are involved, parents often begged traffickers to go with their teenage daughters, even married women often abandon their homes for sex trade in Italy. Husbands also encourages their wives to go in search of EURO:

    Trouncing this trade here is not possible as almost every one benefits from it, that is why the cold wind of ostracism has not been slammed on the girls who are often celebrated when they swaggered into town. Young eligible boys fall over themselves to date these girls and even marry them. A class mate of mine married one and he is living in opulent wealth, check out his well furnished law chamber, stock with books, his intimidating Italian suits and shoes  and state of the arts SUVs, while she still remain in Italy plying her trade. He is like a toy boy in a doll house.

     Another friend of mine; has a driver who came home one day from work, only to discover that the wife,had dumped him and kids and absconded with active conivance of her mother who had always seen him as too poor for her daughter to ltaly, two months later she was deported back home. She just couldnt return to her husband and kids who refused to take her back. Still some men sale family homes to send their wives to Italy. one  such man even  pretended with his wife to a driver to his wife and her new ltalian husband when she came home to see an on going housing project with the very old Italian professor whom she meet through sex trade and married over there. The home boy husband pretended to be a driver, picking both from hotel suit every morning until they return back to Italy, so that the wife will suck the love dovey professor dry before returning back to him.

     Much of the pervasive arguement on dignity of women hood put across by feminist groups, NGOS Catholic church and National Agency for prevention of trafficking in persons does not wash in that state at all. The traffickers, trafficked and JUJU HIGH PRIESTS are in unholy WEDLOCK so the trade is not ending any time soon.Even the reticence from husbands and parents are not rooted in any rock.....ribbed puritanism. This surely is puzzling judging from level of acceptance of be continue on the role of VOODOO IN SEX TRAFFICKING.