Tuesday 20 May 2014


      I was trembling, clenching my teeth with a mechanical physical effort that often accompanies a mental one to read of a sudaness girl aged 27 years, sentenced to death for turning a christian. She will in addition receive an additional 100 stroke of cane before been put to death. Her death sentence would take effect 2 years after having her baby as she is heavily pregnant, in addition she has an 18 months son MARTIN who is presently in jail with her. Her explanation that she was brought up a christian, as her mother is a christian and that her moslem father abandoned them at birth, fell on deaf ears. I shuddered, at the injustice of this inhuman treatment, this is horrible and revolting. IS THIS  MEDIAEVAL TIME ?

       Let me make it clear that i have nothing against ISLAMIC FAITH. I was once married to a moslem. He cared less whether you are a christian or pagan or even a WITCH as long as you are doing it well. Once you are a good person, it was ok by him. The issue of  conversion to Islam was never part of any talk. He always encourage me to attend  church services to be a better person.

       The location of a person´s place of birth such as country and parents often determines one´s faith, been born in India could make a person a HINDU; etc am sure if I was born a Moslem, I would had held on to my faith with pride, just as I knew I would die a Christian, but times without number I had wondered what would  been like to be born a  Moslem and a woman with it oddest complexities. I often pity these women dressed in BUKA: In honesty; i had graduated from the university when I saw for the first time in IBADAN south west Nigeria some women shrudded in total black, it was a sight to behold. I was shocked, dumb, numbed and fascinated like a child seeing a snake for the first time. The women were masked from head to toe in total black outfits. They wore black socks on their feet,black flowing gowns, black veil just a bit openings for the eyes and then black socks covering the hands. Summer, winter, raining season,dry season etc like a person in prison outside the walls of the prison yard´.

      From the ages of 11 or 12, they are already married often  to Men old enough to be their grand father as 2nd 3rd 4th wives, check out the UNITED NATION WEB SITE to read the TOO YOUNG TO MARRY ARTICLE it documented thousands of young teenage girls who could not get education but just married off to old men some without teeth old old WIZARDS: this girls often start having children even from teenage , they will continue having children till menopause what can one say about the world population, at this rate we are all in trouble.

       That the incident VVF is very common in moslem world is palpably evident. When young girls are forced to have babies before their pelvic bones are full developed, during child births, many things could go wrong with lots of tears they remain damaged for life. These girls are often abandoned by the husbands after been damaged for life for fresh new wives. The gruesomeness of this life of abandonment at just teenage years is not fair at all. most of these girls often give birth at home without ever attending antinatal care all even wives of educated men. may be they dont want male Doctors to come in contact with their wives. Most of these women are lock up at homes without ever come out without male companions. They dont shop at all the husbands provides every thing for the the family, even up to her under wears, as wives are under purda BA SHIGA in local hausa language, meaning no entrance for any one. these ladies only visit their families at night and must be well hooded.

      A well educated Northern Man shocked us when he informed us in the office that his wife normally have their children at home, without assistance from any one, he was actually very proud of this.To him this is very normal as his own mother had 10 kids without every visiting the hospital: One can see why infant and maternal mortality will ever remain high in most developing countries.

      One has read stories of health workers killed in the process of immunizing moslem kids. The religious leaders openly preached against this as they see it as a western and Christian means of controlling the population of moslems in the world. Most of their kids are not immunized against childhood killer diseases like POLIO: lot of these kids become cripples and are then shipped off to the Southern part of the country as beggers.Right now there are thousand of northern moslem beggers all over the south. It is fascinating seeing the crippled female beggers begging with their numerous children, always with new born mouth to feed always hanging to their breast. What happens to these kids without any form of formal education at all. Very simple, the circle of poverty, illiteracy and vibrant army for the fundamentalism islamist are always in full supply. SO WHO WILL BELL THE CAT:

       In SOME ARAB COUNTRIES women are not permitted to drive at all. A lot of SAUD ARABIA women have been fogged for trying to disobey this law. The stark incongruity of the whole breach of the fundamental rights of women in these countries is appalling. A CARTE  BLANCHE GIVEN TO MEN BY MEN TO TREAT WOMEN AS CARTEL: so women dont have enough sense to even drive a car in these days and age, they cant work, only bear children and work as sex slaves for their husbands.

      The only weapon in the coffers of these women is nothing more than a right to education and self actualization and nothing more. If a girl child can attend primary school, high school, then she would be old and knowledgeable enough to take decisions that will mold her life.they will be better mothers and wives. Sentencing a human being to death for changing her religion is more than playing GOD. No one had even gone to heaven and come back to educate us with empirical evidence on the right way and part to GOD. We are all fumbling in the dark.


Wednesday 7 May 2014


 When I read the story about the young girls forcefully taken away by BOKO HARAM a fanatical islamic group waging war in Nigeria ,I was cold and shocked just like every parent imagining  what these young girls would go through. It was also reported that some girls had earlier been taken from the villages of KONDUGHA an BUNI YADI but just few girls so world attention was not attracted, just yesterday we read that 8 more girls had been taken away again.This horrible incident just as British foreign secretary WILLIAM HAGUE said,  is a stark reminder of the threat of sexual violence faced by women and girls in conflict zones.
     This is not the very first time these are happening, the INFAMOUS KONY took away 150 girls from a Catholic girls secondary school in DRC the NUNS in charge of the school went deep into the forest in search of the girls. They came face to face with the TERRIBLE FEARSOME WARLORD, they started pleading for the release of the abducted girls, his stone heart was softened a little bit to the extend of releasing 120 of the girls. The other 30 girls had not been seen till date 10 years after.

     Here in Nigeria a lot of young girls were forcefully taken away by fighting solders during the Nigerian civil war, most of them were never seen till date more than 40 years after. I couldnt stop imaging what these girls are passing through, been dragged from forest to desert etc exposed to wild animals and the beast they are forced to live with as sex slaves The girls will be used as sheld in case the military attack the the adoptors. There was a report that some of the girls has been taken outside the country, to be seconded to other terrorists from other countries as concubines.

    On a general note, parents need to pay attention to young girls as they go through the rite of passage to woman hood, events at these ages often have a profound effect for life. Most middle aged men often go after these girls and then ruin them for life. Often time parents are too busy chasing after wealth or means of survival to pay attention to their teenage daughters. Think of a mother living at EGBEDA  going to work at the ISLAND, she leaves home by 5am to beat the horrible traffic, then get home between 10 and 11 pm. How does she pay attention to the kids, how is she bringing them up, the children are just bringing themselves up.

     One day i went to wash pictures taken during my daughter´´s birthday party, people  clustered  round the counter watching some pictures and were screaming in shock. so i decided to take a peep, what i saw was shocking. Two girls aged like 13 and 15 were seated down with their legs wide, wide open, stark naked like jail birds with COCOA COLA bottles with the liquid contents still inside pushed right into their VAGINAS TILL ONLY THE CORK covers of the bottles were visible. The younger girl was bleeding, a pool of blood had gathered by her legs, it was a disgusting gory sight. The boy working there informed us that two middled aged white men brought the pictures for washing. One elderly man said to me ´´SEE WHAT OLD WHITE MEN HAD TURNED OUR GIRLS INTO because of poverty´´

    We all knew that poverty is a big problem in most countries of the world ,but if parents teach their children ,well on how to treasure their woman hood,as these girls are mothers of  the future, teaching them contentment and dignity in face of poverty is very important, and how to be very guarded at all times is very important. we read that when the BOKO HARAM came to take these girls away they claimed to be Nigeria solders asked to take them to safety as they wore military uniforms, they girls willingly entered the trucks, along the way, some of the girls got suspicious and jumped down from the trucks and escaped. these are the very smart ones.

     Often things outside your control would happen to one, this a fact of life no one could control. When i graduated from high school at the age of 17 year while waiting for University admission, i spent the whole of my time at the library reading as i was very lone when my friend left for United States to continue her education, I was very happy to see a library worker vacancy placed at the local public library. I went for the interview,on that day there were lot of other young people gathered for same interview,  they gathered us in a place to give out numbers for the interview, the crowd could not be controlled again in the surge to get number.I suddenly noticed that a hand had been pushed beyond my pants, right into my private part. I started struggling with the hand and he refused to give up and reaped my under wear out, I then started fighting my way out of the crowd,I WAS BRUISED AND BLEEDING. As soon as i fought my way out of the crowd, i just went home, battered and shaken, till today i hate crowd and avoid crowded places.

    YOUNG GIRLS must be careful, there are a lot of lewdness out there, getting involved in obscenity is denigrating. from the things that happen to young girls and the things they intentionally allowed to happen to them, by the time most of them are just 20 years old, they are battle scarred as old crones.